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Map Name: Rusted
Player Count: 1-16
Gametypes That Require Testing: Slayer, FFA, KOTH
Download Link: TrashnSuicide

To download the map:
On the Halo 4 title screen go to Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search >TrashnSuicide

Based in Erosion map but a free floating map design. The center of the map is a mirror image, with both an upper and lower floor. Upper floor has 8 ramps into it but they are offset so super long sight lines are minimum. The Basement Has 4 entrances and sight blockers for both offense or defense. The outer Ramps lead to a middle tier which include 4 unique structures designed to provide the same sight lines while looking very different. There is 2 low cover sniper platforms, a rocky cliff area and an indoor-ish large structure. The map has soft and hard kill zones keeping you within it. There should be very few if any glitch areas, but feel free to break it. My concerns are with re-spawns during full lobby games. I think it shouldn't be much of an issue but I'm worried about predictable spawns or controlling them all together. Also any feed back is great, lack of weapons,cheap spots, bad flow etc.. be ruthless please so I can improve it if needed. I tried to make it visually pleasing while being fast paced with heavy combat. Thank you in advance Testers for you time and feed back it is greatly appreciated. Hopefully this map will be enjoyed by the community.






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