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UN-Official Boycott Thread - Set for Dec 5th


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Lets send 343 a message. This Wednesday December the 5th, lets stop playing Halo 4 for one day. You could play Halo 3, or Reach. Or dream about playing Halo 2. Or just not play Halo 4 at all.


If you are disgruntled in any way with Halo 4, it could be about the specializations, or you could just unhappy with Halo 4 in general (like not having a ranking system, or the game being unbalanced which against the Halo code.) then join with me this Wednesday. If 343 doesn't get the message then we can hit them again until they do.


Spread the word around. Tell your friends. It's just for one day. But if enough people stop playing and start playing H3 for that day that should send 343 a clear message.


I personally will be doing this for many reasons. I want 343 to realize that the core elements and structure of Halo MP have been altered with Halo 4, and that's something that I do not appreciate. Halo MP as built around a strong competitive and balanced game. If you grew up playing Halo CE, Halo 2 and 3 multiplayer, and you feel the same way then join me tomorrow in playing Halo 3. Or if you have issues with how unfair we have been treated with the specializations then please also join in. Or if there is something else you don't like, also feel free to join in, and voice your opinion on these forums and don't let anyone else stop you.


I am just one person. I can not make a difference by myself. If were to get 10,000 people or more, then that can make a difference. Lets make it happen.

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Aint not body got time for that, id rather play. Its all you homie. I just had an idea for your boycott. But this may take a few steps.

Step 1. Take the Halo 4 disc out of you Xbox and place in case.

Step 2. Drive to your local video game store with game in hand.

Step 3 Trade it in.

There now you will no longer shed tears.

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