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58 Out Of 59 Achievements

Hunted Enemy

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FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!! Bring Stockpile back to Team Objective or AT LEAST make it come up more often.


By doing this you are forcing people to boost. I literally was in a boosting party for 5 hours in SWAT the other day and still didn't see Stockpile. ALL I play is BTB and have only seen it once.


I know so many people who are in the same boat as me and only need one achievement. Bungie has been tampering with playlists since I can remember...every week back in Halo 3 they would do something to the playlists for no reason at all. These geniuses make 2 achievements for Stockpile then virtually take it out of the game (granted you can get one in customs, but still).


Where's that title update we were promised? I have faith in 343...just don't let down the fans like Bungie always did (you know it's true).

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i dont get why they would make an achievement then not put that gametype out


Bungie and all their infinite wisdom.


My recollection of their playlist tampering.


Halo 3:


1 - Social slayer was 5v5. Then they made it 4v4. Then they switched it back to 5v5.


2 - Lone Wolves was 8 man FFA. They lowered it to 6 man.


3 - Big Team was "Big Team Battle". Then "Big Team Slayer". It is now called "Social Big Team".


4 - Got rid of Squad Battle for no damn reason (It not being "popular" enough doesn't fly with me)


5 - Got rid of Team Objective and replaced it with Team Throwback (exact same ****...bye bye T.O. rank)


6 - Then proceeded to get rid of Team Throwback


7 - Got rid of Shotty Snipers in Social because noobs were complaining that they sucked with Snipers.


I mean damn...we could go on all day. I understand some stuff should be changed...but Bungie changes their mind like a woman. They are never satisified. Half the stuff they change was perfectly fine, and they usually make it worse.







Message to 343 - Don't do what Bungie did with Halo 3 by making RIDICULOUS online achievements. What makes Bungie think the average Halo player is capable of getting Perfections and ranked Overkills, etc.? Me personally, I have the achievements...but I feel for the intermediate players.

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Bungie and all their infinite wisdom.


My recollection of their playlist tampering.


Halo 3:


1 - Social slayer was 5v5. Then they made it 4v4. Then they switched it back to 5v5.


2 - Lone Wolves was 8 man FFA. They lowered it to 6 man.


3 - Big Team was "Big Team Battle". Then "Big Team Slayer". It is now called "Social Big Team".


4 - Got rid of Squad Battle for no damn reason (It not being "popular" enough doesn't fly with me)


5 - Got rid of Team Objective and replaced it with Team Throwback (exact same ****...bye bye T.O. rank)


6 - Then proceeded to get rid of Team Throwback


7 - Got rid of Shotty Snipers in Social because noobs were complaining that they sucked with Snipers.


I mean damn...we could go on all day. I understand some stuff should be changed...but Bungie changes their mind like a woman. They are never satisified. Half the stuff they change was perfectly fine, and they usually make it worse.







Message to 343 - Don't do what Bungie did with Halo 3 by making RIDICULOUS online achievements. What makes Bungie think the average Halo player is capable of getting Perfections and ranked Overkills, etc.? Me personally, I have the achievements...but I feel for the intermediate players.




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You can do the stockpile achievement in custom games, i helped a friend get his 2 nights ago, just make sure you go to bungie.net and download the latest gametype for it, and make sure its got Bungie as the author since theres alot of variations, but it should be on the main page after searching :lol:

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You can do the stockpile achievement in custom games, i helped a friend get his 2 nights ago, just make sure you go to bungie.net and download the latest gametype for it, and make sure its got Bungie as the author since theres alot of variations, but it should be on the main page after searching :lol:


You can only do the "Candy From a Baby" one. "You Ate All The Chips" doesn't work in customs.


Stockpile is in SWAT...but it is INSANELY rare. Like I said, I was in a full boosting party for like 5 hours str8 one time and didn't even find it. Do I enjoy boosting? No, but Bungie is forcing people to boost by making insane multiplayer achievements.


We could have done more games just by quitting out when we didn't get it so we could start another one faster.....but NOOOOO you get banned for quitting out of games. FAIL!!


What a disappointment this game is. Reach fails hardcore.

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You can only do the "Candy From a Baby" one. "You Ate All The Chips" doesn't work in customs.


Stockpile is in SWAT...but it is INSANELY rare. Like I said, I was in a full boosting party for like 5 hours str8 one time and didn't even find it. Do I enjoy boosting? No, but Bungie is forcing people to boost by making insane multiplayer achievements.


We could have done more games just by quitting out when we didn't get it so we could start another one faster.....but NOOOOO you get banned for quitting out of games. FAIL!!


What a disappointment this game is. Reach fails hardcore.


Ah yeas, that one, i forgot which one it was, lol, i'll be noest, me and 3 mates full party boosted that one, it was a pain in the ass otherwise, any game developer should put more thought in their achievements, even some of the ones in halo 3 were annoying and i still need the firefight one from ODST (like im ever gonna be able to get that now)

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