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Does it help?

TUL Confederate

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I'd say that yes, it could potentially make it go quicker. On the other hand though, you're missing out on some sweet multiplayer, and when you get to a high level, you'll be paired with people who have been playing lots of multiplayer while you haven't been, and you'll get destroyed for a little while.

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Spartan Ops you can get about 5000 exp in a 7 min mission. Wargames the max exp is 2981 and matches are 12 minutes long AND you have to win to get the max. If you're just farming exp trying to level up, play the spartan ops matchmaking. Watch a movie while you play it's easy and require very little paying attention to.

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You can also play the missions on NORMAL (no exp difference between difficulties besides easy), and things you do count towards commendations that apply to spartan ops, like destroying vehicles.


Do the mission where you get a mantis on vallhalla over and over again, or if you REALLY want to grind fast you can just do the third mission in the first episode of spartan ops. It takes like 5 minutes to complete lol.


Granted doing nothing but spartan ops is similar to seeing those inheritors in Reach that only played firefight....what a joke lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sure does. PLay alot and gain commendations. A much more freindly environment than Multiplayer. Although I player MP more often whenever I want to get a level really quickly I will swithc to SO. I have recently been playing alot of Land Grab because of the large amount of Xp that it yields.

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