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The DMR needs to get nerfed i can't even go out on the battle field for 5 seconds without getting murdered by guys sniping me all across Valahla from the OTHER BASE with nothing but DMRs. It's long ranged, it dose a **** ton of damage, it's op, and either needs to be removed, or nerfed. Don't add another OP weapon into the game, nerf the gun, and everyone will be happy, and it won't be a COD gun anymore.

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The Incinerator Cannon is fine. It serves its purpose as a power weapon and only rarely do people get it in slayer games. DMR and BR i think are pretty well balanced with the exception that the BR needs to have a little bit more range.


Guns that seriously need tweaking are:


Pistol- needs to be a more useful secondary

AR- Needs to have more firepower as well, just too damn useless against any other CQ weapon.

Boltshot- Way too powerful to be a secondary weapon. should be the equivalent of a scattershot ordinance, if you want to keep it as a secondary at least make it a lot harder to use or tone down the power of the charge to where it doesn't kill in one shot. I've found way too many people using this weapon which abuses the broad gameplay that 343i is trying to invoke into the game.

Snipers and other scopable weapons- You shouldn't be able to be scoped in while someone is shooting you. It doesn't make sense that you can continue looking through the scope of a sniper or beamrifle when someone is putting shots in your head. Makes a sniper virtually impossible to outgun long range.


Those are just some observations I feel make this game very unbalanced so far. I hope 343i can tweak it with the next update.

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