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Loadouts getting lost!

Sean McClelland

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Hello everyone. I'm new to the forums. Love Halo 4, love the Halo universe. Hate all of you who play without your headset!


Please help, this is making me crazy:


Most of the time, when I start the game up, and launch into war games, my custom loadouts are gone. So, if I forget to check before starting a game, I end up getting owned because I just have an assault rifle and no armor abilities. I'm an SR40-something, and have 3-4 loadouts just the way I like them, rebuilding all of them every time I play is REALLY annoying.


I also lost my pre-ordered helmet, though it's back now that I'm leveled up and can pick it outright.


Please help!

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Well, that happens if your connection is bad/ having problems. To get off the "back up server" just fix your connection. Also, why don't you use the two loadouts given to you in every game at the bottom of your closeouts? I always use those and then go fix my connection after the match.

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This happens to me every so often, I used to have all my custom load-outs all set for different gametypes etc. but now i only ever use the one, maybe two, i advise just as the match starts go into your menu and use the "modify loadouts" option, quickly set up a loadout to how you like it and use that

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