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Did 343 sacrifice too much for graphics?


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I'm not sure, since while I like the feel of the new world, I think it belonged in halo 5 with the new counsel.


As a trade off for the new, and massively improved graphics:


No red x's (yes, I know this isn't confirmed, but it's the only reasonable excuse).

Items on map dissapear much faster

No theater for Spartan Ops or Campaign, though they may fix this eventually

Blurred details when you are far away from something in the campaign, or on a large map. This 'fog' effect is also particularly noticeable on abandon, though it seems to fit with the theme too, so maybe it's by design.

Lack of moving architecture, like in last resort (one of the most memorable medium sized maps from halo 3 in my opinion).


Curiously enough, and as an aside to the trade offs by having the improved graphics, 343i has seemed to move away from slanted maps. They were done well in halo 3 at least, and since there aren't any here, there's a very linear makeup to most battles. A few exceptions are with the jetpack on haven, and all the blocks on solace, but still...

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The only thing that I think is disappointing is the view distance. It's not a big deal, but oh well.


Also, I honestly think that with the advent of lots of weapon spawns and ordinance drops, that the game is actually better with weapons disappearing faster. It's nice to not flood the map with power weapons.

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I think weapon despawn is for balance even tho its kind of fast but works out well. The moving objects are there you just dont notice em because there so much going on.


Also im ok with no theater for campaign or SOps


There are moving objects that affect gameplay? Please do tell...


And it's not only the weapon despawns, but the vehicles too.

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