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Please tell me TEAM SNIPERS is coming back


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Hi all i just bought halo 4 today after seeing some awesome team sniper footage on youtube i only got the game for this mode. i love a good snipe fest! I am absolutely gutted to find its now not on the playlist :-( it pretty much renders the game useless to me... So instead of some sniping ive been holding on sprint for a few hours drilling peoples shields till my finger gets sore but this is not why i bought the game!


Can somebody please tell me when team snipers will be back up on the playlist?



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It's coming back. The demand is way too high for it. They are cycling through the gametypes to see the ones that are the most popular as of now since the game is new. There is a big update coming and I almost guarantee that snipers will be in the playlist update.

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