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Map Remakes From Other Games


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Hello, fellow forumers! As this is my first post on this website, you may have to bear with me and my endless font of idealistic prattle.


Few years ago, I played a game called Lord of the Rings: Conquest which was (plot-twist!) set in the lands of Middle Earth. It didn't do so hot on the reviews and it was frustrating at times but I feel they had potential that we could harness. That got me the idea of remaking certain maps from the game. I don't have Halo 4 myself but I really wish I did and since I can't tell how the Forge Engine works, I'm afraid I'm quite powerless to my own thoughts. I just wanted to see if we could remake and tweak some of the maps (I remember somebody in THFE is remaking a Call of Duty map called Burgundy or something). I've watched more than a few gameplay videos of Conquest to get a familiar idea on how the layout works for each map but I'm not sure which maps would work since our Forge Maps aren't as big in Halo 4.


I also think Transformers: Fall of Cybertron maps could work as well, since the maps there are already tuned to a shooter. Same deal from the previous paragraph.


Just an idea.

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