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My thoughts

Xky Takanuva

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hey guys im new to the forums and i thought id share my opinion. i love spartan ops, the whole idea of it and story but there are a few things i think they should place in spartan ops. First have the option to play all the capters all the way through, second have not all the chapters/missions be all ground based, simply because when ever you're a spartan, sure the majority of a spartans purpose is for ground ops but there are times where you need to get in a pelican and take out a covy carrier. third it may not be a significant thing but i thought it would add realism. change what the hud looks like for everyone helmet in the game. such as if there is no visor dont make it look like it has one, if you know what i mean. well thanks for taking a look and yes i know my grammer is bad but i am also very tired and i failed english in grade school so dont bash me too hard.

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