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MLG Playlist?


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I don't think I need to say this, but we competitive players need a MLG playlist. We need a pure competitive playlist so we can have something to play really competitively. Also, I hope that CSR comes out soon, because I don't like playing uneven games all the time and the community isn't gaining skill quickly.

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CSR is set to come out in January along with Spartan Ops Episode 6...

I really want an MLG playlist. The pros have been asking for it but right now 343i is on vacation so the next updates will be in January. We will have to wait and see. I'm sure they will release it. Halo has always been a community based game.

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Define being competitive....


Players that attempt to OUT PLAY the other team or person, that don't use crutches such as radar, etc.


Me vs you, with nothing to help you along the way, the better person wins. If you think I am over here but kill you from over here instead, that means I outplayed you, yet radar will save your ***.


I'm so pissed Slayer Pro is gone!

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Players that attempt to OUT PLAY the other team or person, that don't use crutches such as radar, etc.


Me vs you, with nothing to help you along the way, the better person wins. If you think I am over here but kill you from over here instead, that means I outplayed you, yet radar will save your ***.


I'm so pissed Slayer Pro is gone!


Was just wondering what your definition is. It does change from person to person you know...

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Was just wondering what your definition is. It does change from person to person you know...


I understand but growing up with MLG and running dozens of local tournaments, removing radar/motion tracker is the biggest request for the competitive gamers. There is honestly NO REASON for it, why should you know where I am?

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I understand but growing up with MLG and running dozens of local tournaments, removing radar/motion tracker is the biggest request for the competitive gamers. There is honestly NO REASON for it, why should you know where I am?


There are plenty of reasons to have a motion tracker in SP and MP. That being said its a personal opinion, not a fact that it has to be removed.


Also I am not asking where you were. I dont care where you are. I just wanted to know what your definition of competitive is, thats it. Nothing more than that...

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There are plenty of reasons to have a motion tracker in SP and MP. That being said its a personal opinion, not a fact that it has to be removed.


We all like discussion, so please provide some of these reasons? I have honestly never heard a good reason for this because

"I don't have a mic so I need to know where people are."


Last week of work and it's slow around the office, i'm just looking for basic discussion, and I wasn't stating where I stand, if you take a poll with having it on or off from an MLG standpoint, OFF would win by a landslide. I'd roughly estimate 95% want it off, but I can see why the casual gamer wants it on because it HELPS with the basics.

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We all like discussion, so please provide some of these reasons? I have honestly never heard a good reason for this because

"I don't have a mic so I need to know where people are."


Last week of work and it's slow around the office, i'm just looking for basic discussion, and I wasn't stating where I stand, if you take a poll with having it on or off from an MLG standpoint, OFF would win by a landslide. I'd roughly estimate 95% want it off, but I can see why the casual gamer wants it on because it HELPS with the basics.


For me personally it adds to my awareness not detracts from it. I enjoy being able to see where movement is around me, allies and enemies. Gives me a slight edge when going around a corner. Yet it is easy to compensate for when somebody is using it to their advantage. Move slower and it has a hard time picking you up. It can be confused with the tactical cloak ability as well. The more information you are able to collect about your enemy the better the odds of your success in a fight with them. The motion tracker gives you info as to where they are on the map, such as if you are above them or below them (the color sharpness of the dot changes accordingly) and which direction they are moving relative to you. Its a huge help for anybody.


Yes I can play with it off just as well as with it being on. Thats just me personally. I listen for audio clues for enemies. But it still is nice to have an extra resource on hand. BTW what does having a mic have anything to do with a motion tracker? The two are completely unrelated.


Personally I dont care for MLG standards as they work towards a class of player that I distain. The attitudes many MLG players have developed are disgraceful hence me not wanting to participate. But that is for another thread.

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Yes I can play with it off just as well as with it being on. Thats just me personally. I listen for audio clues for enemies. But it still is nice to have an extra resource on hand. BTW what does having a mic have anything to do with a motion tracker? The two are completely unrelated.


These are completely related when you don't have a motion tracker, the biggest argument people supply is the fact they don't know where people are. If you or your teammates cannot speak (no mic) this drastically changes how a game is played without a motion tracker. One team without mic would get dominated by a team with mics and no motion tracker.


As you said, it helps you know what is coming and allows you to be more aware of your surrounding. <-- This is what drives me crazy. I am sick and tired of Halo 4 because the pre-grenades you run into because everyone always knows you're coming. Halo 4 with the crazy smart motion tracker slows the game down and forces people into boltshot close quarters and drags out games.


The majority of the Inf. Slayer games I played last night, the team winning simply stopped moving around the map, they squatted in the corner with boltshots, and waited. People say this would happen all the time in none radar games, but which it would but you'd maybe kill me once then I can change my attack, which isn't the case as the radar will notify the person i changed.


I'd be happy if they dropped motion tracker to 10 body lengths but seeing almost 30 to 35 is crazy, not to mention the perk that pushes it to almost 45.

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These are completely related when you don't have a motion tracker, the biggest argument people supply is the fact they don't know where people are. If you or your teammates cannot speak (no mic) this drastically changes how a game is played without a motion tracker. One team without mic would get dominated by a team with mics and no motion tracker.


As you said, it helps you know what is coming and allows you to be more aware of your surrounding. <-- This is what drives me crazy. I am sick and tired of Halo 4 because the pre-grenades you run into because everyone always knows you're coming. Halo 4 with the crazy smart motion tracker slows the game down and forces people into boltshot close quarters and drags out games.


The majority of the Inf. Slayer games I played last night, the team winning simply stopped moving around the map, they squatted in the corner with boltshots, and waited. People say this would happen all the time in none radar games, but which it would but you'd maybe kill me once then I can change my attack, which isn't the case as the radar will notify the person i changed.


I'd be happy if they dropped motion tracker to 10 body lengths but seeing almost 30 to 35 is crazy, not to mention the perk that pushes it to almost 45.


Thats the thing, I would rather have longer games than a dozen short ones. Makes the game feel all that more epic that way. A good 15-30 minute long fight makes it feel like you accomplished something epic instead of 3-4 short MLG games that blow by so fast its almost like whats the point. Keep in mind this is my opinion, not actual fact.


It also depends greatly on the map. Some maps are suited to close quarters and others not so much. Both benefit however from having an active motion tracker.


More to the point, if a player chooses to camp then thats the players perogative. It has nothing to do with any mechanics in the game. A motion tracker being on or off wouldnt matter as the player themself is chosing how to play the game. So in a sense I just think people should get used to the idea of a motion tracker being there. Most people, I find, ignore it anyways so its not too big of a deal. Players will play the game however they wish to play it reguardless of how the screen is set up, motion tracker or no.


That is where this stems from. People want others to conform to their own playstyle, which I think is wrong. People should play the game however they wish (as long as it is not breaking the games fundimental rules, such as glitching or hacking). Competition is still plenty strong and people would enjoy it just as much if not more because of the freedom it gives them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think I need to say this, but we competitive players need a MLG playlist. We need a pure competitive playlist so we can have something to play really competitively. Also, I hope that CSR comes out soon, because I don't like playing uneven games all the time and the community isn't gaining skill quickly.

You sir, don't sound like the most skilled player yourself, Mr.
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