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Locust must be in halo 5!


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  • 1 month later...

yeah cool idea the halo wars locust can shoot streams of energy at long distances with a zoom able scope and its secondary overcharge ability and also an ability to leap which can double as a stomp but weaker and with both front legs. if they add vehicle perks in H5 (in campaing anyone should be able to do this) then there could be an ability to hang from walls or ceilings but with enough explosive firepower or an EMP weapon it can come crashing down and lose a lot of health depending on the drop height. if it leaps from a wall or ceiling then it should land safely on the ground with a stomp damage boost. since it has shields two shots should be required to disable it with an EMP, the first shot breaks its shields. i think the locust should be shorter than the mantis and as long as a wraith so that it can be used in certain multiplayer maps. what do you guys think?


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