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My Halo 4 Improvements List

Tom Cunningham

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This is my first post on the 343 forums. I posted a lot on the Bungie forums back in the day and thought why not start a thread. Now I am not saying Halo 4 is a bad game and I am also not saying completely overhaul the game back to classic Halo game play This is just a simple list of mainly simple changes that would make the game more enjoyable for the majority of people. Please post any suggestions you want and if I agree with it I will add it to the list along with your gamer tag. So here we go:


(these changes are in no particular order it was just the order I thought of them in)


1. Zombie maps. This was also a problem with Halo reach in that the Zombie game type was played on only vanilla maps and just wasn't like the classic Halo 3 gameplay where players would defend their own shelters and bases against attack.

2. Doubles. I know a lot of people have complained about this but I definitely agree it needs to return, and be permanent.

3. Normal free for all/long wolves. The same as for doubles it must return.

4. More smaller maps. I miss the days of small tactical maps such as Guardian on Halo 3 and Lockout on Halo 2. These maps were absolute genius and provided some of the best Halo online gaming experiences.

5. Big team gametypes. The fact that there is only big team infinity slayer is just silly. There needs to be others such as capture the flag.

6. Visor colours. I think that the visors should have the same colour wheel as the armour and emblems in halo.

7. Zombie colours. A small change but I preferred it when you had free-for-all colours as humans.

8. Forge map structures. I am not sure why this is as it is presently but you cannot put structure parts on any maps except the specially designed forge maps. It should be the same for them all.

9. True skill rank system. I know they are bringing this in eventually so I won't go on about it.

10. Stronger warthogs. Apart from the gauss hog, the others are horribly underpowered and get taken out way too easy in the presence of most other vehicles and power weapons on the map.

11. Time between kill medals. Yes I did mention about not going back to original gameplay but this is an exception. The current time between double kill, triple kill etc is 4.5 seconds unlike the original 4 seconds on the other Halo's.

12. Custom content. The most downloaded part does not work! Fix it!

13. Competitive playlists. These must be added eventually when the new ranking system is brought in. These playlists must have the same loadouts for everyone, fixed spawns and no ordinance. They have to be balanced or there will be complaints.

14. Bolt-shot glitch. This is an annoying glitch where you can instantly reload it after you have fired it like a shotgun. This must be sorted out.

15. Offline campaign completion. I completed the campaign offline on legendary on my own. After this I went online and it had no registered any campaign gameplay so I did not unlock the armour for completion. This does not happen to everybody but it is an issue.

16. Custom maps on playlists. Just like I said with zombies custom maps should be added to most or all playlists.



More will be added in the future.

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