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Anyone know where to find hard data - or willing to conduct experiments?

Bloody Initiate

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I know there are a few youtube channels that do experiments, but I haven't seen a few questions answered and I was wondering if anyone knew the answers or was willing to conduct experiments to find and share them.


I can do experiments myself, but I don't have a capture card so I can't share results.


I have a few questions:


How does the Halo 4 shield recharge delay compare to the recharge delay in previous games? It FEELS much slower, but at the same time enemies find you faster and it could just be my mind playing tricks on me. Keep in mind I'm talking about the recharge delay, not the recharge rate. I know I'm not the only one who's asked.


Does the dexterity upgrade decrease vehicle reload speeds, like those on the Mantis and the Rocket Warthog? In general I'd be interested to know if the upgrade improved fire rates on things like the Gauss and Banshee bomb as well.


Does the shielding upgrade increase the Mantis's shield recharge rate?


Does the Awareness upgrade work for vehicles? (You may be sensing the trend that I'd like to know if upgrades that COULD work for vehicles actually DO)


Are sticky detonators affected by the explosives perk? (I have a hard time thinking of how to test this)


Eventually I'll get around to testing a lot of this myself. Like I said though, all I can do is post numbers and such I can't really upload it the video or anything. I also wasn't sure if someone had already tested this stuff or had the information, which would save anyone who was curious some time.


Thank you.

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