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I hate the AR


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  On 12/11/2012 at 10:18 AM, Chengaleng said:

I feel like they did something to it because in halo 3 and reach it didn't bother me at all.


Yeah, they actually made it worth carrying!


Seriously though, while it was pretty good in Halo 3 if you used it properly, it was an absolute piece of junk in Reach. Inaccurate at any range, slow firing speed, couldn't headshot, pathetically low damage per round, an appaling magazine size for how many bullets it actually took to kill, very little effect against vehicles...


So in short, it's nice to have an Assault Rifle which gets used because it can actually win fights when it's used properly, instead of just because everything else is out of ammunition.

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The AR in Halo games was always meant to be weak for a reason: it takes no skill to use. Its supposed to lose against precision weapons at all ranges as long as the precision user doesn't miss but apparently 343 didn't get that memo when they picked up this series.

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  On 12/11/2012 at 2:01 PM, Cortar said:

The AR in Halo games was always meant to be weak for a reason: it takes no skill to use. Its supposed to lose against precision weapons at all ranges as long as the precision user doesn't miss but apparently 343 didn't get that memo when they picked up this series.


It's not supposed to flatout lose against another weapon just because the other weapon supposedly takes some mystical skill to use. If it was supposed to lose there would be no reason to even bother with it. And if the DMR and BR really took real skill to use, Only a few people would use it. It's not a special skill if everyone can do it.

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I think the storm rifle is even better. I can do things with it that I just can't do with the AR. It had the overheat function that you can just keep shooting, allowing you to engage 2 or more spartans with ease. With the assault rifle you would almost certainly have to reload while fighting 2 or more people, killing you in the process most likely.

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Oh god, we're seriously going with the "Assault Rifle is OP" thread? The AR is now a viable weapon, whereas in previous Halo's it was never a weapon that was actually taken seriously. It's finally a decent option to play with, that doesn't make it overpowered.

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Actually as a user of the carbine and assault rifle, the AR is only good in close range and medium range is just awful, if anything its the most balanced gun in the game


Unlike the DMR which outclasses and is insanely OP (why do you think everyone uses it?) nerf rate of fire or add bloom to that gun. if anything the DMR is what is killing halo 4.

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  On 12/11/2012 at 7:13 PM, AfricanBatman said:

Actually as a user of the carbine and assault rifle, the AR is only good in close range and medium range is just awful, if anything its the most balanced gun in the game


Unlike the DMR which outclasses and is insanely OP (why do you think everyone uses it?) nerf rate of fire or add bloom to that gun. if anything the DMR is what is killing halo 4.


If you're getting constantly out DMRd it means one of a couple of things. 1) Your strafe isn't worth crap or 2) You're putting yourself in a position to face a player who is using a weapon superior to what you're using. Myself, I'm good with the BR v DMR at close to mid range and guess what, that's EXACTLY what the BR is classified as, a short to mid range weapon. At long distance the DMR IS going to kick your ass. It's that simple. IMO the dmr was designed brilliantly and before you start running off on the post you need to read some of the posts that 343 gave about the DMR. It was DESIGNED as a weapon to fit the gap between the sniper and BR. It does EXACTLY that.

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  On 12/11/2012 at 2:20 PM, xXRC BossXx said:

It's not supposed to flatout lose against another weapon just because the other weapon supposedly takes some mystical skill to use. If it was supposed to lose there would be no reason to even bother with it. And if the DMR and BR really took real skill to use, Only a few people would use it. It's not a special skill if everyone can do it.


"mystical skill"

Being able to aim is something most players can do, if its too hard for you then just stick with the AR, thats what it is there for.

The DMR and BR do take skill to use, a ton more than the AR or most other guns, thats why everyone at pro level uses them adn everyone else tries to.

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  On 12/11/2012 at 10:18 AM, Chengaleng said:

I feel like they did something to it because in halo 3 and reach it didn't bother me at all.


That is because it is not as effective. The AR logically should beat the BR and DMR at close range. Just because it wins at certain ranges over a precision weapon does not make it overpowered.

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With so many good long range guns in the loadouts they had to give it absolute dominance close range and some sort of chance at mid range so all said its not overpowered at all..


Keep backing away from them and hit them in the head, this will result in you beating an AR user at mid range every time.

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