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Carbine Needs a Buff


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I think it is simply ridiculous how underpowered the Carbine is. It simply cannot compete with any precision weapon in a head-on fight. To fix this, they simply need to put an increase the damage, or possibly raise the fire cap a little. I find it frustrating when I shoot somebody five times, thinking "Hey, I got this." then they shoot me 4 times, and I die.

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Maybe slightly, but if you land all eight shots, you'll kill faster than a DMR does.


You realize that it takes twice as many bullets to kill versus a DMR, right? So when you take into account lag, strafing, and the innaccuracy of the shots fired by the carbine, the DMR is simply better in every way. I'm suggesting that they buff the carbine so it can level the playing field.

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Actually when the carbine is shot accurately it will kill .2 seconds faster than both the dmr and the br. The carbine is harder to master but when someone has point dead accuracy they will benefit more from this weapon. The carbine plays the best on haven and adrift. Once you start to get to mid-range firing the carbines shot become inaccurate because of the slight displacement of the shots. This is because the carbine doesnt have the long distance accuracy of a dmr. Just like how walshy and some of the mlg pros said "ithe crabine does well in short ranged maps but i noticed that i started getting destroyed on larger scale maps. " if you love the carbine a suggest making a loadout using firepower using the dmr and carbine. i feel like the carbine is a good replacement for the br.

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You realize that it takes twice as many bullets to kill versus a DMR, right? So when you take into account lag, strafing, and the innaccuracy of the shots fired by the carbine, the DMR is simply better in every way. I'm suggesting that they buff the carbine so it can level the playing field.


you do know that the DMR and BR are 5 shot kills not 4 :) if you dont like the way it works dont use it.

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The Carbine has always had a hard time distinguishing itself, because the more shots you have to land the more likely you are to make a mistake. Since nobody's perfect, that makes it hard to win with this gun. I think the solution is to let it go fully automatic without actually increasing its rate of fire or decreasing its accuracy.


It's stupid that only a few weapons can headshot, and it's equally stupid that NONE of them are fully automatic. Limited accuracy and recoil are adequate balances for fully automatic weapons, no point in holding them back even more by prohibiting them from making headshots.


This would make the carbine a very unique weapon in its ability to engage at literally any range. You don't get a faster kill time, but you get a weapon that's much easier to use without sacrificing versatility. You can decrease your recoil by choosing to fire it semi-auto, but when you just need to zap some mofos you hold that trigger down and watch them weep. As it is now it's just the little rifle that couldn't.

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The Carbine has always had a hard time distinguishing itself, because the more shots you have to land the more likely you are to make a mistake. Since nobody's perfect, that makes it hard to win with this gun. I think the solution is to let it go fully automatic without actually increasing its rate of fire or decreasing its accuracy.


It's stupid that only a few weapons can headshot, and it's equally stupid that NONE of them are fully automatic. Limited accuracy and recoil are adequate balances for fully automatic weapons, no point in holding them back even more by prohibiting them from making headshots.


This would make the carbine a very unique weapon in its ability to engage at literally any range. You don't get a faster kill time, but you get a weapon that's much easier to use without sacrificing versatility. You can decrease your recoil by choosing to fire it semi-auto, but when you just need to zap some mofos you hold that trigger down and watch them weep. As it is now it's just the little rifle that couldn't.


Then it would fire like the Needle Rifle from Reach only without a super-combine. I don't know, the Carbine already has an edge if you're good enough to exploit it. That's kind of the point of the Carbine though. You can potentially stand to gain a weapon which will beat all other precision weapons in short to mid range, but you're taking a gamble. I think it's fine the way it is. Stick to the bread and butter if you're not good enough with it... DMR/BR.

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The Carbine needs a little bit of a boost. Yes it fires faster but it takes a much steadier hand to land those shots. DMR is a simple steady five shot kill with tons of forgiveness when it comes to accuracy.

Making the Carbine fully auto would be interesting, might not help at all.

I think making it increase flinch as you are hit would be the ideal solution.



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I think the idea that the carbine kills faster if you're good with it is a bit of a long lasting Halo myth. All the videos I've seen have it losing to the DMR in kill time, so no matter how good you are with it you still lose to the king gun, making using it mostly pointless.


Another option for the Covie weapons is status effects. A face shot with a carbine could cause a slight green flash on the affected player's HUD which might slightly disorient them enough to make them miss a shot or two. The storm rifle could screw up their HUD, make it staticky and spin their motion tracker etc. so that they have to rely more on their instincts and experience rather than their ability to simply turn and own the storm rifle.


The trouble with these ideas is that I think they're harder to put into the game. That's the trouble though when you release a game with fundamental flaws, you have to work harder updating it than you would have otherwise.

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you do know that the DMR and BR are 5 shot kills not 4 :) if you dont like the way it works dont use it.

I'm only using it because I have mastered all of the UNSC Loadout weapons. And honestly, 75% of the time, it gets destroyed by almost every other starter weapon. That's a red flag right there.

Any increase to the damage of the carbine would cause it to become vastly overpowered. Remember that it has the highest RoF and arguably the best accuracy already.

I disagree. I believe that it needs some sort of buff for it to even compete with the other starter weapons. I think they should try it out in the next update, and if too many bad things come out of it, then they can change it back, or tweak something else.

I do not believe, however, that having a game where everyone is practically forced to use the DMR/ Boltshot or BR/ Boltshot combo is the way to go. Buffing the carbine might make people think twice about charging with a boltshot.

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8 shots to kill right? 18 rounds in the clip? I haven't bothered counting, so I could be wrong, but if I'm not it has 2.25 kills in the clip before it has to reload. It kills faster than the BR, so it's at least as good as the BR, which is a horrible gun, and a terrible standard. I honestly think I'd rather have an AR, at least with that gun you know you suck and you don't make the mistake of starting fights against real guns.


By the way if anyone was wondering why I use the kills per clip measure so much, it's because you often actually miss your shots, but you have so much killing power before you have to reload (and die, because that's what happens when you have to reload). It's like a countdown measured not by seconds but by shots, when it runs out you die. In a fight, every shot you miss is a second off the clock, and in Halo 4 some guns just have shorter countdowns than others.


Anyone ever watch Burn Notice? In the very first episode he says he'd rather have duct tape than a gun, because guns make you stupid, and duct tape makes you think. While there is no duct tape option in this game, there are guns that are only as good as a roll of duct tape.


Guns like the carbine and the BR make you stupid because you think they work. Guns like the AR make you think because you know it doesn't work. I remember going for my fully-automated and up close and personal challenges with an AR loadout, and finding myself doing well in the games. It wasn't because the AR was good, it was because I was focusing hard on surprising people and taking fewer chances. The carbine and the BR are probably close to being only as good as an AR, but people think they work, so they rely on them.


The carbine sucks. The only thing it has going for it is the long standing urban myth that if you're awesome, it's the best. That way a bunch of people keep using it thinking if they just got better, they'd be unstoppable. Instead they get slaughtered, as we know, but at least we have someone to shoot until they figure it out.

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