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Disappointed for the final boss


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Tartarus was an amazing boss battle the perfect balance of Fun, excitement and hardness to make it fun enough to play over and over. And also they threw in some friendly Elites which I loved holding out hoping he didn't find us. Which he always did.

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The final boss, when Chief beat at the end the forerunner boss with the help of Cortana.


As I said it wasnt a boss fight. If it were then you would have been doing a whole lot more instead of button sequences. The ending fight really was when you were working to shut down the shields to set the nuke. That is the end fight, of which I loved.

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The only Halo game to actually have a boss fight was halo 2. Yeah sure it's a FPS but, there could still be boss fights. Tarturus was very hard in Halo 2 on Legendary. Even the Prophet you had to fight was a little tough.


I actually thought Regret was more difficult due to the numbers of guard between you and him. Tarturus you could run off and let your shields recharge at least then be right at him again where as Regret you had a guantlet to get through.

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Boss fight? Well, it seems obvious you haven't fought Tartarus. THAT was a boss fight.


But i don't think a boss fight suits for a game like Halo.

Dude I fought Tartarus and killed him. I wasn't saying that the button sequence at the end to kill the Forrerunner chief WAS a boss fight.I just wanted to say that it would be nice if 343 did a big boss battle at the end because in my opinion button sequence is too easy compared to a real boss like Tartarus.
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Again, just a quality post.


And yeah, I love bossfights in some games and hate them in others. Halo is one game where I, for one, am extremely glad that there isn't a bossfight. I liked the ending sequence of moving from platform to platform. It stays with the objectives while giving a sense of finality. Plus, they split it up nicely so it doesn't seem impossible to accomplish.

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I wasn't pleased when they introduced boss fights in Halo 2, just because I'd prefer the final encounter to be some insanely difficult scenario instead of one tough dude.


That being said, I'd happily take Halo 2's boss fights over Halo 4's Call of Halo: Modern Fanfare 2 boss fight. If you haven't played the absolutely awful hateful misery that is Modern Warfare 2's campaign, then you won't appreciate just how ****ing furious I became when they wanted me to crawl at the end of Halo 4. Earlier when I noticed stupid things (Like the climbing up the elevator shaft bit) I just loudly announced to my TV "This is stupid" but when I saw that they wanted me to crawl, I was too angry to speak.


Master Chief doesn't crawl, and I'm horrified at how many times I've watched developers copy Call of Duty. Not just 343, the Battlefield 3's campaign story is told through an interrogation too. It's like originality is frowned upon or something in the industry. I loved CoD4's campaign, but MW2 was the worst I've ever played. I hear Black Ops campaigns are good, but you don't just COPY the successful company, that doesn't get you anywhere. You offer something they don't! You can't copy their SUCCESS. Ask K-Mart how it worked out for them when they tried to copy Wal-Mart.


Sorry, just apparently picked this thread to rage in, I was disgusted when the game opened with Hallsey's interrogation. The worst part is it got worse later.

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I wasn't pleased when they introduced boss fights in Halo 2, just because I'd prefer the final encounter to be some insanely difficult scenario instead of one tough dude.


That being said, I'd happily take Halo 2's boss fights over Halo 4's Call of Halo: Modern Fanfare 2 boss fight. If you haven't played the absolutely awful hateful misery that is Modern Warfare 2's campaign, then you won't appreciate just how ****ing furious I became when they wanted me to crawl at the end of Halo 4. Earlier when I noticed stupid things (Like the climbing up the elevator shaft bit) I just loudly announced to my TV "This is stupid" but when I saw that they wanted me to crawl, I was too angry to speak.


Master Chief doesn't crawl, and I'm horrified at how many times I've watched developers copy Call of Duty. Not just 343, the Battlefield 3's campaign story is told through an interrogation too. It's like originality is frowned upon or something in the industry. I loved CoD4's campaign, but MW2 was the worst I've ever played. I hear Black Ops campaigns are good, but you don't just COPY the successful company, that doesn't get you anywhere. You offer something they don't! You can't copy their SUCCESS. Ask K-Mart how it worked out for them when they tried to copy Wal-Mart.


Sorry, just apparently picked this thread to rage in, I was disgusted when the game opened with Hallsey's interrogation. The worst part is it got worse later.


Yea but in Halsley interrogation it was just storytelling, a video, just to refresh peoples memory. MC has crawled plenty of times and gotten back up. Cuz he a real man.

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