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DGS is looking for leaders!

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Starting a clan/ gaming community has always been a little goal of mine, so I finally decided to do it. We Don't discriminate against skill or anything else. We have many leadership positions open. So if you are the leader type you have potential to move through the ranks fairly quickly at first. I'm gonna put some details about us below if you feel as though it's something you might wanna join or you want to discuss it further with me, hit me up on Xbox Live my gamertag is "DGS Camaro SV".


Community Name: Deadly Gaming Syndicate (DGS for short)


Overall goal: The goal is pretty simple and similar to that of most other communities. The goal is to give gamers a positive environment to game in, in which they can meet other gamers and hopefully develop friendships with them.


Why a gamer would want to join this clan:

-Well, for starters we are a very laid back community just like most of the communities out there. We do have rules but they are very general and easy to follow. We do also have a ranking structure which is based off the military but don't think this automatically makes us a strict community.

-I'd also like to do many friendly clan battles among the communities and clans we can become allied with, and have a team/s for GameBattles, TRF Pro, and Clantactular.

- I'd also like to do many community exclusive tournaments and competitions where you can win actual prizes (and no not just Microsoft Points).


Website: I made a temporary freewebs website you can check it out it's nothing special but it will give you some of our rules, and familiarize you with the ranking structure. www.DGSLive.webs.com. FORUMS COMING SOON!


If you have any other questions about the community or you're interested in trying it out, feel free to message me on Xbox Live (Gamertag: DGS Camaro SV). You can also private message me on here, or ya know just reply to this topic tongue.png.

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