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There are so many things I love about this game, but the daily, weekly and monthly challenge xp disappearing is not one of them. It's so frustrating to complete a monthly challenge, move up to the next level and then logging in the next day find those 17000 xp missing (even though the challenge shows as complete) and your back to your previous level. I've learned not to count on the challenge xp at all in match making. I haven't noticed this issue in the other game types yet.


Lag is my other complaint. 1 out of 5 games has major lag.


Who else is frustrated with these?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive never lost any XP. But I keep hearing about it. And as far as Lag goes for me. You will dont wanna know. I Lag at some point in every game. Kinda irritating. And my wife wonders why I get Halo rage. lol


But as for the XP im not sure how to make it stop or anything. I can look around and ask people. So if I find anything out Ill be more than willing to let you know.

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