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What does every one love doing in forge?


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  On 12/14/2012 at 8:12 PM, DoctorB77 said:

I like competitive maps with great asthetics and map flow :)


Those are the kind of maps I strive to make. You should check out my newest map called Titan. It currently works for slayer, recommended 4v4. Its in my file share, gamertag is same as username here

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  On 12/15/2012 at 5:40 AM, Jedi Master Tom said:



Those are the kind of maps I strive to make. You should check out my newest map called Titan. It currently works for slayer, recommended 4v4. Its in my file share, gamertag is same as username here


I would check it out if I had more time. Finals are coming up though and it is getting packed. But make a topic with some info and pictures and PM me a link.

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I really like and always make forge RACE MAPS!! I always try make RACE HARD AND HAVE MORE COMPETITION!!! Like have intersection, go back and may hit other racers on incoming and others... I really good and have many differ ideas to forge in RACE maps!! But I do sometimes have good ideas to forge other gametypes like CAPTURE THE FLAG or others but it not look good!! Then I deleted all objects and items and try do it again and still not good!!! SO I ONLY GOOD IN RACE MAPS!! So I really want that 343I to add RACE GAMETYPE in HALO 4 PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE add RACE gametype in HALO 4 as soon as possible like by Jan 7 2013 PLEASE!! Then I will start do forge RACE MAPS!! If not add it yet then I not do forge any maps yet... Right now I dont forge any maps yet!! And I want to do and will forge RACE MAPS but right now it dont have RACE gametype so I am wait for RACE gametype in HALO 4...



I knew and heard about 1 person got made RACE MAP use with gametype KING OF THE HILL but only use 1 checkpoint... Remember I said that I always make race hard and more competitions... So if they fall off the track and respawn in start place... So better if have and play with RACE gametype so can respawn their last checkpoints!! So not do it from begin the race and do over again from begin to end RACETRACK... So PLEASE ADD RACE GAMETYPE!! PLEASE!!! Have differ gametype label for RACE gametype like checkpoints, race respawns and other gametype label... In KING OF THE HILL dont have gametype label for race checkpoints, race respawns and others... So better play and use with RACE gametype if play RACE!!


Also I really want that 343I to add more maps good BIG MAPS like in HALO REACH FORGE WORLD it good big map!! I many times make medium or long racetracks... But in HALO 4 all small maps so IDK if it will good same as in HALO REACH I made RACE MAPS... So also many maps have rocks, buildings and others already there in default maps and cant deleted them!! Better have some big map and some big maps with empty no rocks, buildings and others in default maps like in HALO REACH FORGE WORLD map!! It good and easy for people can make have more space to make forge building objects... So easy can use it ready no objects and items in default maps!! They should make and have it in HALO 4!! PLEASE add them in HALO 4 and have some big maps too!!! Why only small maps?? Should have some big maps too... Can make same as in HALO REACH map is FORGE WORLD put it in HALO 4 and other maps they make their own other big maps and put them in HALO 4 too... I noticed that in HALO REACH many people forge maps is FORGE WORLD most and other maps few,,, So if it have more than 1 maps big maps and empty and have many space like FORGE WORLD then they can choose and have more maps can to do in forge... Maybe like 5-10 big maps and with no objects and items in default maps... They they can do forge differ maps not same map like in HALO REACH most FORGE WORLD and other maps very few...


I think it will be better if not limit # of objects... Why not unlimited all objects and everyone can use it as many they want/need them and can use them until no more budget left!! Because I sometimes need more KILL BALLS I need 20 KILL BALLS... In HALO REACH limit KILL BALLS 10!! That happened to me I did used all 10 KILL BALLS and when I done the forge I still have $500 budget left!! KILL BALLS $100!! I can use them for KILL BALLS and will be total 15 KILL BALLS in a map!! But there was limited 10 KILL BALLS then I cant add more KILL BALLS!! So PLEASE make it unlimited # of objects and items and can use it many until no more budget left and cant use them!! If they want use them if they have $70 budget left and any object cost is $100 then they cant use it but they can use any objects that cost $70 or less!! Or if they really want have to use that object then they need to make some change deleted some objects total $30 then they get $100 and can use it... PLEASE WHY NOT?? I sometimes had ideas to make forge map but need more KILL BALLS like 20 and 1 time I need 30... So BETTER MAKE IT UNLIMITED # OBJECTS AND ITEMS CAN USE THEM MANY UNTIL NO MORE BUDGET LEFT OR NOT HAVE ENOUGH BUDGET TO USE THEM THEN STOP AND CANT USE IT OR CAN USE OTHER OBJECTS OR ITEM IS STILL HAVE MORE BUDGET LEFT!! I think that will be better so people who do forge maps can satisfied their map that they need... If limit then they may not satisfied because not have enough objects/items!!

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I really like making small, close-quarters arenas. I didn't get Xbox LIVE for myself until 2010, so for a very long time all I had to play was Splitscreen or LAN, which usually meant a very small number of players. Most of the maps in Halo are great for six players, eight players, and even twelve or sixteen players, but there are very few that are really good for just two to three people who want to play some Slayer or Oddball. So I started Forging my own maps in Sandbox, and then even though I'd gotten online by the time Reach came out, I'd found I really enjoyed smaller maps, so I just kept forging them.


I also like making maps that work with standard gametypes, but subvert traditional gameplay. Most maps are generally quite large and open, with long sightlines and not a great deal in the way of cover: I try to focus on building things which are more focused around Assault Rifles and Shotguns than DMRs and Sniper Rifles, as I think it's nice to have maps that actually reward different playstyles. I also like trying to think of ways to get unusual weapons into the sandbox: it's a little redundant now thanks to random weapon drops, but it was fun while it lasted!

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What i like also doing is makeing maps that are very dmall yet detailed maps, like nuke town in black ops 1 & 2. I only like makeing maps with some when i say some i mean some veicles. i like putting at least 3 WartHogs in and about 2 ta 6 mongooses. I hait maps with banshees and the mantis in them just to over powerd. But u guys probly will have a differant thought so dont bug me about it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

im always trying to create a challenging "head to head" map.


2 teams.. where each team clearly "owns" and spawn from one side of the map,


while the other team does the same thing on the opposite side of the board


each team has to use a team play "strategy" or use small groups of people to advance and hold down areas of the board.


i don't know if any of you played, but kinda like Killing Fields (small map) on Socom 3.


.. although the forge board i'm working on is not exactly like that ;)

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