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ideas para el forge de halo 5


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Seria bueno que pudieran poner una opcion para cambiar la apariencia del objeto lla que halo reach los mapas de forge eran aburidos por que eran mas que grises man that sad - me gustaria que pusiera una opcion para modificar el clima a quien no le gustaria poder poner un mapa de noche y lloviendo ami sii - ponerle mejores cosas al ecenary como poder poder vehiculos destruidos en fuego o poder pintar en el mapa


eso estaria bueno poner sangre y vehiculos destruidos en un mapa oscuro y lloviendo estaria (demasio) that means aweson - y por ultimo dejarnos crear nuesteo propio espacio lla que ustedes son los que nos proporcionan los mapas en los que podemos trabajat nos gustatia ser no sotros quien creariamos hoo porpoco seme olvida. Que podamos plantar arboles hacer calles ect cosas haci serian buenas para su forge - hope you get adiccionary btw is spanish. Hope you like some of the ideas PUERTO RICO LO HACE MEJOR

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It would be good that could put an option to change the appearance of the object. Halo reach forge maps were boring, they were not more than grey, man that is sad - I would like to put an option for modifying climate. Who would not like to put a map at night and raining? - Teh best things to put as scenery. vehicles destroyed in cross fire, or to paint on the map.


That would be good to put blood and destroyed vehicles on a map that would be dark and raining. That Means awesome - and finally let us create our own space that you call are the maps provided to us. (I THINK HE WANTS NEW MAPS FORGE ON) May we plant trees, make streets, ect. These things would be good for forge - hope you get a dictionary btw, This is spanish. Hope you like some of the ideas.

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