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reach armor


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In halo reach you use credits to rank up and to buy new armor from the armory. It takes 10,000,000cr to complete your armory, but it takes 20,000,000cr to get to inheriter, at wich point you can spend 1cr on the haunted helmet.

which leaves 9,999,999cr unused.


I propose that 343i add armor to the game to help keep players interested! they could make an update that allows every one to see the new armor, but the armor would only be unlockable after you fullfilled some requierment(example buy a new map pack and complete an achievment in it). there is some armor from h3 that dose not make a reaperence. even though most of the armor from h3 was brought in and updated in one way or another, the Rouge, Scout, and Hybusa helmets i feel would make a great addition to reach, or how about that fabled red visor(as far as visor colors there should be one for every color of armor you can have). what if 343i add the katan from h3 into reach.

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While it has been indirectly confirmed that DLC armor is possible, I think 343 may be holding back on adding more armor until the Halo Anniversary. They are updating the Reach Multiplayer so you may get to carry over cR from Reach to Anniversary. Only my speculation.

An interesting speculation at that...



At any rate, I think DLC armor should be added and would add even more playability to the game. -sighs deeply-


All this 'same armor' has bored me to an extent I don't really wish to play the game.

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An interesting speculation at that...



At any rate, I think DLC armor should be added and would add even more playability to the game. -sighs deeply-


All this 'same armor' has bored me to an extent I don't really wish to play the game.


You played Reach because of the Armor? I've already unlocked the 4 peices of Armor I wanted and I'm only ColonelGr1. HOWEVER, what I would like to see is the addition of armor effects and textures. I'd like to see some Camouflage and textures. Effects like Sparks when you Melee or bursting into flames when you die(I've love this one). Textures like digital or woodland camo would also be nice.


Firefight is why I keep playing so the prospect of New Armor dosn't excite me as much as news on new Firefight maps.

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I'd very much like to see battle damaged armour and visors, they could be unlocked as you gain in level so it can literally look like you've been through hell to get there, if you get what i mean lol even make it so you have to take so much damage before unlocking a specific chest piece, nail x amount of headshots to get a cracked visor etc etc, i think it could add alot more realism and feel to the game, and it would look cool lol

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I'd very much like to see battle damaged armour and visors, they could be unlocked as you gain in level so it can literally look like you've been through hell to get there, if you get what i mean lol even make it so you have to take so much damage before unlocking a specific chest piece, nail x amount of headshots to get a cracked visor etc etc, i think it could add alot more realism and feel to the game, and it would look cool lol


I like the idea of a cracked visor.

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I hope that Halo C.E.A dose not include credits!, or at least if it dose the credits should have nothing to do with rank! they should ony apply to the armory if one is included! players should gain exp like in halo three on a skilled based system not a who plays the most system!, if they gain cr inaddition for an armory that would be ok but please 343 do not make Halo C.E.A. have the same flawed ranking system as reach! but that is not the reason for this thread i just wanted others ideas/opinions on two thing 1. should the armory be add on to? 2. if yes what would you like to see added?


with that in mind I think the rumored red visor is an obvious choice. Also i like the idea of battle damaged armor. i just wish i thought of it first wich i did not.

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i kind of think that they put the assassinations in reach because so many people complained that the katana didn't have a function. so now they fix it by adding they nuction but taking away the tool and exchaning it with a knife. I dont think it would be to hard to add a functioning katana to this game.

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While it has been indirectly confirmed that DLC armor is possible, I think 343 may be holding back on adding more armor until the Halo Anniversary. They are updating the Reach Multiplayer so you may get to carry over cR from Reach to Anniversary. Only my speculation.

the online is REACH

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how about giving us Carters shoulder pad the one with the UNSC insignia. we have a similar one in our armory but it dose not have the insignia. George's chest peice/backpack our version of georges chest has the neck bit right but is missing the giant backpack on his back. finaly what about two or three chest peices that made the left arm robotic instead of the right one.

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Normally Xerax I would agree with you 100%, but as Korn has stated, the MegaloScript may be capable of pulling this off. I'm assuming that they could add an additional tags in the form of the dlc, and have Megalo use in the script, current markers and nodes to place the effects? Maybe, just maybe. But then again, adding said content would be a massive dlc size. I for one would not be willing to part with a 4gig or higher TU. Even if it had a massive slue of new content. Something like that should be saved for a future title, or if they find a better compression scheme for the data.





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I'm not sure how I would feel about it if it actually happened? yes it would be cool to have new things to buy and work for, but what about space for DLC, and how good would the new armor perms actually be? Would they be additional cut ones from the shipping game, or new ones made by 343? I guess the source of the perms at this particular point would be the stickler. I am not sure just based off of concept art or trailers how well they would make new armor look compared to the seasoned look Bungie gave them. Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing 343 or trying to insinuate they have no skill. I am just pointing out that many fans still have a hard time accepting 343's taking over of Halo and may be wary of anything they push out TU wise for the armory. This is 343 biggest roll out for Reach and I am sure they want it to be as smooth and awesome as can be. maybe down the line they will release some armor add-ons. but right now, I think it would be to soon for them to do so.

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