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kinda dont understand why i paid 60+ bucks for halo and now its 40 and yet they still want 20 dollars for just a few maps?? I know this has become the norm as of late but i find it quite ridiculous and unfair that this game now goes for 40 bucks and yet for half that price you get just some maps not even close to an entire much less half a game. I think it should at the very least be less points for those that pre ordered or bought the game pre price drop or something, or it should just not be friggin 20 bucks in the first place. You're ok getting paid 40 for your year + of programming that probably already included the dlcs and now your trying to sell something that took very little time for half the price, makes zero sense imo. Just a rant but I couldnt find a contact us location anywhere so I felt this was my only option. I know you dropped it to 40 bc sales werent as expected, maybe more people would buy games if they knew that in order to get the full experience they dont need to be spending more money every month or two to get the content.

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It's not just games that have this sort of model, it's everything, since the beginning of trade.


Buying "Bulk", or a whole thing is often easily the best "Deal" per dollar. But the extra things you want cost much less, but still have much less value per dollar. It's where a lot of times a lot of the money was made.


Now, before whining kids starting playing video games and buying DLC, it was understood that as long as you wanted the extra little stuff more than you wanted your 10-20 dollars, it was a good trade. Both parties got something they wanted.


Gamers seem to be oblivious to old as dirt economics stuff. Like, "Oh god, why us?!" It's the whole world.


If you don't think the DLC is worth the money, don't buy it.

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It sucks, but as a kid I remember paying $70+ on an NES game. Even with annoying DLC we are still paying reasonable prices.


My main issue with DLC is when it comes out pretty much at launch. It's one thing to charge for some actual new content months down the road, but a few new maps that already existed at launch time is a gyp. Of course I'm a halo junkie so I bought the season pass thing.

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