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Working with the Weapons of Halo 4


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DMR- People say this gun is OP but it can easily be out played at long range by a sniper and light rifle. It can also be outplayed at close range with a bolt shot, newb combo, BR, AR magnum,carbine, and suppressor. Surprisingly the best practice for the dmr is to use the light rifle. The light rifle has similar aim control to the dmr from halo reach which is harder to use. The DMR in halo 4 simply has too much aim support and will majorly screw you once you decide to stop using the dmr. Try rogue to take out the "bounce" effect with the dmr when being shot. Practice doing 4 body shots and 1 head shot. This shooting combo will kill the enemy at the same rate as 5 headshots and is easier to perform. The dmr is best not scoped but once the enemy is past mid-range fire you need to scope.


BR- This weapon is slightly different from the previous halo's but not by much. This gun will out play the dmr at close range. try not to scope with this weapon AT ALL unless you have to. Leave that job up to the dmr. The BR will kill with 4 headshots making it a relatively quicker kill than the dmr.


Carbine- This is sometimes considered a pro weapon. The carbine will get a kill .2 seconds faster than the dmr with only headshots. Aim is more vital with this weapon. If all you can get are body shots then you will be wasted using this weapon. This weapon is used to develop headshot skills which will make you an exceptional dmr and br user. The light rifle can still outplay the carbine. When you come up against a light rifle user strafing and grenades are your only hope. Once you get to mid range with the carbine it become literally useless. I advise for you to work the carbine into a boltshot/carbine loadout in short range maps or a carbine/light rifle loadout in short to mid-ranged maps like abandon.


Boltshot: The boltshot is a handy weapon and i will admit that it seems a little op. This pistol has the range and strength of a shotgun and it is only a loadout weapon. I have survived countless flanks and rough situations with this weapon. I will go so far as to say that i have taken out a team of 4 people in 15 seconds on adrift in matchmaking using THIS weapon. If it is used cleverly and effectively this weapon can dominate any close range map. A good way to balance the over powered boltshot would be to reduce it's range to about 3/4 of what it was originally. I know most people would say 1/2 the range but tht is going overboard and would leave the boltshot useless.


Plasma Pistol:I feel like this weapon is more generous this time around. The newb combo is much more effective at what it does. It makes sharp turns that it never used to do before. This is my side of choice in big team slayer.


Suppressor: I feel like this is the best automatic weapon in the game. It's stronger than the AR at the cost of some range and accuracy. It takes out enemies quicker and easier than the AR and almost useless storm rifle.


Sniper:The sniper is not the same as it used to be. Now it is simple to get a headshot with this weapon or a double snap shot. I feel like this weapon was dumbed down for halo 4 and combined with how easy it is to get one that's not much better. It's still a sniper you know.


Light Rifle:When the light rifle isn't scoped- 5 head shots kill a person and 6 body shots kill a person. When the light rifle is scoped it takes 4 shots to the head to get a kill and 5 in the body. Killing doesnt matter all that much between the head or the body. The body just takes a half second more to get a kill. The scoped light rifle is just as strong as a scoped and non scoped BR but little stronger than a non scoped light rifle.This is fair because the light rifle has more range than the br. The dmr has the strength of a non scoped light rifle, so to make that fair they made the aim assist weaker for the light rifle. There is actually no problem with the light rifle because it is almost like a combination of a br and a dmr. If you learn how to use it right the light rifle can dominate an entire game.the lack of aiming with the light rifle is meant to be there so that the dmr player wont get completely massacred by the light rifle with a 1 shot advantage when scoped. with the br though, non-scoped battles give the br a 1 shot advantage but the light rifle still has the same strength as a dmr. the light rifle shines the most at long range but is efficient at short range as well. something i forgot to mention though- the light rifle has a slightly faster shooting speed than the br making them even in close range battles. in close range fights using the light rifle against a br getting perfect shots with the light rifle are more vital to success or failure. the shooting speed of the dmr is the same as the light rifle.


Hope you like the overview of the weapons that caught my eye. Post more additional information about what you think about these weapons and others i didnt mention.


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i use a carbine and a lightrifle its a good combo light rifle is a mini sniper in rangrock i sit on a rock and let the bambis aka noobs go into my line of fire pop 4 shots bamm dead

If you hate Bambi so much then read this.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_Meets_Godzilla -----the article is about the #38 best cartoon of all time called Bambi meets Godzilla. Bambi is grazing in the field. he looks up as godzillas foot falls on him. after the credits run for 2 seconds the godzillas foot twitches. lolololololol


I think you should do some research. Start with how many shots it takes to kill with a BR. Do the research yourself with an idle controller in Forge.

i based this entire article on what i did in forge. at close range my br shots killed in 4 but killed in 5 at longer range. i knew that it didnt seem right but when i kept doing it at close range the shots still killed in 4.
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There is no way the boltshot should be beating shotgun and scattershot its a weapon you spawn with it has almost twice the range of both


why have a sniper, shotgun weapons in this game the DMR and boltshot are all you need in this game since 343 killed variety. Nerf them both or make boltshot ordinance.

i noticed that the massive aim assist on the dmr makes it literally a god gun and it can out shoot the sniper at long range if used right. the boltshot should definitely be nerfed no doubt.
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