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Spartan-419. . .

Dubstep Kittens

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  • This is the fan fiction for my Spartan III, Spartan-419. I originally created this on Waypoint, but seeing as this should be my new home, I'll post it here. It's actually a really unique story. Recommend to read.



Service #: S-419 (Codename: ScreamingDuck)


Group: S-III/ Beta-Company


Enlistment Date: XX/XX/2539


Location: N/A


Gender: Male


Birthplace: Earth


Birth Date: XX/XX/2532




Early Life and Indoctrination:


Spartan-419 began as all Spartan III's had; abducted into the Spartan program at young age, and augmentated at the age of 14 to eventually become a Spartan super-soldier; the only thing to stand in the way of the Covenant and the complete annihilation of the Human race.

Spartan-419 was conscripted into Beta company.


Military Life/Performance/Notes :


Spartan 419's performance always continues to surprise all - a one spartan army is what many know him as.


Spartan-419 has been known to take on suicide missions - insanely large Covenant groups on his own, stating that he works better alone and that teammates only get in his way


Spartan-419 is also known to be often clumsy or unlucky, and he very often barely makes it out of his missions alive.


Nonetheless, he would eventually go on to gain enough trust from his commanding officers to be deployed as a single unit.





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Spartan-419 is known to be an incredibly gifted sniper, but he doesn't seem to take advantage of this on the field often enough.

He finds security in bringing a sniper rifle onto the field with him, but only uses it when the situation is dire.


He states that it isn't his style to hide away at range.




MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor


M6 Personal Defense Weapon System (Magnum)


M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose grenade (Frag Grenade)


Sniper Rifle System 99 Anti-Matériel (Sniper Rifle)


Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle (Plasma Rifle)


Active Camo module


Personal Combat Knife



Spartan 419 mainly arms himself with a pistol of the "M6 Magnum" series, his favorite being the M6D for it's raw power and reliability, which many find to be just downright stupid.


He also states that it's his way of being unique.


While he largely favors the Magnum, he often backpacks a reliable backpack weapon should he ever need to a larger weapons or have to "make a splash".


Spartan-419 uses his Combat Knife very often in battle to take down large enemies swiftly and quietly.


Spartan-419 has also been noted to take a strong shine to Covenant weaponry, backpacking a Plasma Rifle whenever he can.


Spartan 419 is also known to be an incredibly tactical soldier, using anything and everything on the field to his advantage. Other soldiers often watch clips from his helmet cam in the REC room, stating Spartan-419 as nothing else but a pure bad -Yoink!-, even going on to compare him to the Spartan known as John-117.



Over the course of Spartan-419's military career, he has became very well-known and liked in the corps and thought of extremely highly by officers higher up

Even over the course of his mere 30 missions, he's quickly rising to be a Legend among the UNSC.


Or atleast he was.



On August 18 of 2552, Spartan-419 was dispatched to defend the city of New Alexandria from Covenant forces invading from the Beachhead.

Not only had they been trying to lay seige to the city, but were looking for something deep within in it. . .


The Covenant forces had been quelled, but Spartan-419 never returned from this mission, and his whereabouts remain unknown.


Spartan-419 is presumed KIA, and has been marked as MIA.



(While all dead spartans are marked MIA, he is one of few Spartan to truly be missing in action.)



Many believe he is still alive out of sheer denial, but his status remains Unknown.


Most recent photo of Spartan -419 in combat

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