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All Hail Caboose! Vehicle Destroyer!

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Read the rules closely guys. You use a line in reply to the last person to say a line. I.E.


Caboose: I want to be alive. Or a cowboy.


Church: Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?


Tucker: Now hurry up and die you prick.


Grif: No, I've met my quota for the day.


Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here?


Grif: You are such a kiss&%*.


Sarge: Wars over. We won. Turns out your the big hero. We're gonna hold a parade in your honor. I get to drive the float. And Simmons here IS IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI!


End example. So, the rules are simple. Reply in some manner to the last person to post. You can use any line from any episode of red vs blue, so long as it is directed at the person who said the last line. And I realize that was less confusing in my head.


So, I'll continue with what I left. My last line was: Halsey: Say the words please.


Caboose: The words please.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think you understand. All the lines in Red vs. Blue are said directly to somebody. For instance, your line was said to Tucker. However, the rules ask that you take a line from a character, and said to the last character, and post it. I.E.


Caboose: I want to be alive. Or a cowboy.

Church: Did you just call my girlfriend a cow? <Said to Caboose

Tucker: Now hurry up and die you prick. <Said to Church

Grif: No, I've met my quota for the day. <Said to Tucker

Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here? <Said to Grif

Grif: You are such a kiss&%*. <Said to Simmons

Sarge: Wars over. We won. Turns out your the big hero. We're gonna hold a parade in your honor. I get to drive the float. And Simmons here IS IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI! <Said to Grif


So, back to the last line that followed the rules.



Andy: He says they invented the telephone too, and they did it a thousand years before you did!


Caboose: No Andy, You're not nearly that fat.

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