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In response to the shootings.


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I've been watching the news alot and its been blaming everything from video games, gun control, and Facebook.


Do we really live in a world like this?


As a gamer and a father I realize now isn't a time to defend games but a time to remember those poor children and staff that were the victims of evil in its purest form.


I just thought it best to post in a forum of people I've come to know and talk to in recent months in memory of those that passed. I can't believe how awful 2012 was not just for the wars we fight but for the potential for human evil publicized on such a grand scale. I will make it my mission to pay homage by never knowing that sick ******** name.


I'll make it my mission to raise my kids right. I'll make it my mission to celebrate things we as Americans take for granted and celebrate the mass of human interaction we strive to appeal to.


I'm sorry this happened to the families and I only pray that some good can come of it through some sort of foundation or the acknowledgement that we live in a confusing and terrifying world where demented people do heinous things and how we handle that as a nation should be swift and deadly.


Words can't express the anger I feel and the shame how media will blame everything except the root of the problem.


I apologize forthwith if this seemed inappropriate to post here about something like this. I guess I was hoping the community could share their condolences and make people think on how they want to change things for the better.


Thanks for your time 343i fans.

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Unfortunately my family was touched by this horrible display of human behavior. My sister-in-law lost her little cousin to this. Needless to say we are all in shock and really hurting right now. Thank you once again for the words, and your obvious compassion for other people. I wish you the best of luck as well in raising your kids to be the righteous and courteous person you have obviously become.


On a side note, I am shocked that anyone would choose to blame a form of media or entertainment for the countless things humans are capable of doing. It doesn't take an outside influence to guide someone who already has an idea in his/her head.

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Unfortunately my family was touched by this horrible display of human behavior. My sister-in-law lost her little cousin to this. Needless to say we are all in shock and really hurting right now. Thank you once again for the words, and your obvious compassion for other people. I wish you the best of luck as well in raising your kids to be the righteous and courteous person you have obviously become.


On a side note, I am shocked that anyone would choose to blame a form of media or entertainment for the countless things humans are capable of doing. It doesn't take an outside influence to guide someone who already has an idea in his/her head.


I'm sorry for you and your families loss Twinreaper. Y'all have my prayers.

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I had beaten you to it in this but I am glad to see another thread about this. My heart (what little there is) goes out to everybody affected by this. Twin I am so sorry, wish there were something I could do for you.


Link to my thread if you want to read whats in there too: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/21591-give-a-shout-out-to-the-kids/

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Unfortunately my family was touched by this horrible display of human behavior. My sister-in-law lost her little cousin to this. Needless to say we are all in shock and really hurting right now. Thank you once again for the words, and your obvious compassion for other people. I wish you the best of luck as well in raising your kids to be the righteous and courteous person you have obviously become.


On a side note, I am shocked that anyone would choose to blame a form of media or entertainment for the countless things humans are capable of doing. It doesn't take an outside influence to guide someone who already has an idea in his/her head.


Sorry to hear about that. I really hope she's holding up okay.


To be honest, I have to admit that the violence in video game today plays a large role in the cause of this, but the impending "apocalypse" may also be brining out the worst in everyone, albeit this would be an extreme example. We're still a little less than a week off, just think of what may happen if this is any indicator of what's to happen next Friday.

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Sorry to hear about that. I really hope she's holding up okay.


To be honest, I have to admit that the violence in video game today plays a large role in the cause of this, but the impending "apocalypse" may also be brining out the worst in everyone, albeit this would be an extreme example. We're still a little less than a week off, just think of what may happen if this is any indicator of what's to happen next Friday.


Regardless if what people beliefs are and I'm not one to judge, murdering children in cold blood is something that is only reserved for the most callus people. No normal person would do this. Only some sick and deranged person would do this. It's like after the Batman shootings some but job comes along and wants to one up the guy before him by doing something even more unspeakable.


I hope that ****** burns in hell. Period. And I'm all for making an example out of the next yahoo that wants to act up. No excuses. This still makes me sick to think about...


I honestly can't imagine what I would do if I found out someone killed my son... That is a parents worse nightmare. Before I left for Afghanistan my one thought was "I have a son to carry on my last name should the worst happen".


No pressure to my kiddo. Lol. But if someone took away my son...? My hope? My love? I'd be fueled by vengeance, broken that I would be. Nothing in life is as important as family. Nothing.

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Regardless if what people beliefs are and I'm not one to judge, murdering children in cold blood is something that is only reserved for the most callus people. No normal person would do this. Only some sick and deranged person would do this. It's like after the Batman shootings some but job comes along and wants to one up the guy before him by doing something even more unspeakable.


I hope that ****** burns in hell. Period. And I'm all for making an example out of the next yahoo that wants to act up. No excuses. This still makes me sick to think about...


I honestly can't imagine what I would do if I found out someone killed my son... That is a parents worse nightmare. Before I left for Afghanistan my one thought was "I have a son to carry on my last name should the worst happen".


No pressure to my kiddo. Lol. But if someone took away my son...? My hope? My love? I'd be fueled by vengeance, broken that I would be. Nothing in life is as important as family. Nothing.


Agreed entirely. This ******* deserves nothing but the most painful death possible. I'm normally one for humane capital punishment, but I think we could all settle for a good old fashioned quartering, maybe with a few bullet wounds, he could just bleed out in pain afterward.

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I wish we could live in a world where this type of thing didn't happen. I really do. I also wish we lived in a world where everyone didn't have an agenda to push, and instead of trying to stand on a soap-box could see a tragedy for what it really is rather than an opportunity to push their beliefs.


Tragedies are tragedies. In this particular case, the tragedy was that people were killed. They were not killed because the man who did it bought a gun, or because he played video games, but because he snapped. He was a 20 year old autistic (allegedly) male who lived out in the boonies with his mother. His mother happened to own guns, mainly for hunting and protection.


The cause of this shooting was not facebook (a person with symptoms of autism would have a difficult time even functioning on a social media site and would most likely try to avoid it as much as they can. Kind of the definition of the disorder there), not because of a video game, and not because of guns. It was because a person snapped for a reason unbeknownst to anyone but that person and used readily available weaponry to do what is unthinkable to most of us.


My condolences for those who lost their loved ones.

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this man was suffering from mental iilness i think that was word, not sure, and it's what caused this man to kill. the brother of that man was shocked to find out that his brother did it and even killed their own mother. he was labeled by the public just because of his brother.


however, in that case, the people who run the country, specifically the politics people, they did't pay attention to other killings of kids schools few weeks ago before this. it doesn't take a person to realize, "if this could happen, it could happen to our kids schools" unfortunely, in the world we lived since 2000 i always knew kids would be in danger unless the protection was created for the schools in such manner. but that's other part of problem.

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We can cast judgement on what made this person do what he did all we want, the fact is we don't know. As far as I see it that's a good thing; we don't think like that and so we don't all do what he did. No matter how much we probe and decry, not matter how much we point the finger and cast blame we won't get to the end of it. The fact is people do these things for reasons that we can't fathom. That's not a bad thing for it means we don't want to repeat those actions.


The real thing I wish for, perhaps even more than finding a miracle cure so this never happens again (which is, realistically , is unlikely to happen) is for so much attention to stop being heaped on the man who did this; he did what he did and we gain nothing from constantly harping on about him unless the aim is to potentially give him what he wanted which may have been to be noticed. Instead we should forget about tearing about this man's life and trying to find the cause and instead focus on the victims. They, and their families, are the one's that are suffered and the ones that need to be helped, to remembered and to be always be in the minds of the people. The media should not throw out theories as to what caused it and why but instead remember the victims, about what was good in their lives and the happiness they brought in their short time on this Earth. Forget about the man that did it; he doesn't deserve the attention, regardless of the reasons, and make sure that this tragedy is remembered in the hope it never happens again.

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We can cast judgement on what made this person do what he did all we want, the fact is we don't know. As far as I see it that's a good thing; we don't think like that and so we don't all do what he did. No matter how much we probe and decry, not matter how much we point the finger and cast blame we won't get to the end of it. The fact is people do these things for reasons that we can't fathom. That's not a bad thing for it means we don't want to repeat those actions.


The real thing I wish for, perhaps even more than finding a miracle cure so this never happens again (which is, realistically , is unlikely to happen) is for so much attention to stop being heaped on the man who did this; he did what he did and we gain nothing from constantly harping on about him unless the aim is to potentially give him what he wanted which may have been to be noticed. Instead we should forget about tearing about this man's life and trying to find the cause and instead focus on the victims. They, and their families, are the one's that are suffered and the ones that need to be helped, to remembered and to be always be in the minds of the people. The media should not throw out theories as to what caused it and why but instead remember the victims, about what was good in their lives and the happiness they brought in their short time on this Earth. Forget about the man that did it; he doesn't deserve the attention, regardless of the reasons, and make sure that this tragedy is remembered in the hope it never happens again.


Excellent points. It's like Eric Harris and Dylan Clebold are household names. EVERYONE remembers where they were and what they were doing when they heard about the Colorado shootings. But I challenge anyone to name ONE victim from columbine.


You can thank mass media for that. The way the publicize the perp instead of publicize the faces of the victims to remember them with some sort of honor or dignity. It's not Master Chiefs fault. It's not Supercops fault. It's not Tom from myspaces fault. It's the combined negligence of a mother who kept accessible weapons near an autistic child, and honestly the fault of that autistic child.


My niece has autism. She isn't a murdering psychopath. She's the most wonderful niece I could ask for who needs care love and attention. Not to be ignored especially if there are weapons in the house. Again, I don't care what mental deficiency led to that tragedy, if it were my son, I wouldn't stop until I had my vengeance. Period.


I just wish America would wake up...

Good observation man. You hit a cord. And you pointed out exactly what I was thinking.

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does this count as a socil site becase if it does very happy but srsly guns only lead 2 troble


Guns are fun to shoot. At the range, under supervision and with care. I've fired a 240B, a .50 cal machine gun, a saw, my M4, shotguns, cowboy lever action (fired long colt) revolvers, magnums, 45's, M9's, a 203 grenade launcher, a mark 19, and several hunting rifles an not once had the desire to slaughter children. That's just disgusting. Guns are not the problem. Sick people are the problem. Just imagine if someone in that Colorado theatre had a concealed carry permit. Might have gone down a little differently.


This isn't a thread for gun control besides which. This is a thread for the families and the victims and to pay respect.


Sick people do sick things. Just wish it hadn't had happened...

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