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I haven't played it. Is it good?


I found it to be a cross between Fable and Assassin's Creed. Its an assassination game where you are able to get "magical powers" like Blink which moves you super fast over a short distance or you can summon a pack of rats to attack people. Your choice on how to go through the game affects the ending too. Kill alot of people and its a darker ending while keeping people alive makes it a "good" ending.


I really liked it.

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Depends on how you want to play it. You can go pretty much everywhere. Up walls, on railings. You can even turn into a rat and go through tunnels that normally are unaccessable.


It could be a hack and slash if you want or turn it into complete steath (thats my preference).

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Hack and Slash. Sounds like my kind of game. Any guns or other ranged weapons?


You get a pistol that you can modify so it has a larger clip, more power and range as well as reload speed. You also get a one handed crossbow which has regular bolts, sleep darts (knocks people out in one hit out of combat with out mods) and incendiary bolts which light people on fire.

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This game looks pretty cool and I love Bethesda games but I have heard this game involves a lot of stealth which is not my specialty.


Thats the thing, you dont have to be super stealthy. You can slice and dice your way through the entire game if you want to.

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