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Stoppin lag once & for all!!!


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nearly everyday the entire xbox live community at least have 1 laggy game per day or dozens, i know that the best solution is just quit the game & join a differ 1, i got XBL a couple days ago & had some horrible laggy games, it cant be my internet connection, we got very fast receive & send modem/router, we live in a area where we got full good connection, wireless & non-wirelees, we dont live far from the tower, dont M$ upgrade their services? or help the internet companies get better connection to those who do have XBL? but just a thought, it would be better if M$ would purchase optic fibers, that means we would have no or little lag problems

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I love how people try to explain all this, lol.


You're connection be the best of the best, it can even be fiber and lag. The reasoning is all the nodes your system must connect with when connection with everyone in the lobby. Just because you have 100MB/100MB means nothing when after the first connection hub it downgrades to 50MB/50MB, then it hits that the bad one and drops to 3MB/3MB.


You can hope for Fiber all you want but I've worked for a few different IPS providers and the US goal is to reach FULL FIBER rings by 2020. So until that point in time, if you aren't connecting to a group within your own fiber network you can expect some form of lag. If you're running 100MB/100MB but have a high % of jitter shifts you'll never host.


If you don't want lag, go find friends and LAN, then again all the new gamers have no idea what a LAN is nor what human-interaction means.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This guy has a laggy connection. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I suggest you read up on peer-to-peer online gaming, TCP/IP communication and infrastructure. Then you realize this thread comments are hilariously stupid (Final Scentence's post above excluded). End of story. So, YES I lag on Halo4 online. Just about everyone does with a population count as low as is now.


Distance to host equals lag. Long distance equals MORE, no matter WHAT bandwidth, good local lan/close area connect, or provider infrastucture you have, or are traveling through (which in case of sub par, only could worsen things, lik FS explained above).


OK. Now go get more players into matchmaking. Preferably on a dispersed global scale. Then you'll "solve lag issues".

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