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Halo: OMEGA-019 [FF]


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'This new stealth tech is pathetic' Thought The Doctor. He was the medic, one of the apparent least important soldiers in the entire squad


They were cloaked above a planet in low-orbit, Can't see how the covenant scanners didn't detect them.


The Doctor was accompanied by three others, Fiend, Reaper, and Bear. All had codenames, neither of them knew each other but they did have some sort of criminal record or had done service in the military and was exceptionally good at what they did.


Reaper, was wearing some sort of Olive-Drab heavy armor and had a Zero followed by a One and a nine across his chest plate in a large white font.

It displayed either his identity or what candidate he was for something. The Doctor's mind did work and was functioning like a unstoppable powerhouse.


'Spartan-019' sound about right. The armor, MJOLNIR MK VI with some minor additions to it. He was wearing a Commando Designated Helmet with everything to go along with that. He had alot of armor, and alot of plasma burns on that armor.


A man entered the briefing room through the door. Most likely Fiend and he sat in the far corner, boots quietly tapping against the floor, if it weren't for the Doctor's Aura enhancer, he wouldn't have heard the man walking. The Spartan didn't move from his position. Fiend appeared to like the dark and favoured a Heavily-customized Sniper-Rifle. Military in design but it seemed to be... newer and looked to be a 'helluva' lot more intimidating - if one could say so. His clothing and armor was jet black and it seemed as though he had some sort of cloaking device. Because it was as though he blended with the shadow of the corner he was in.


The Doctor turned his attention back to the door, he saw a massive man, seeming grizzled, powerful, and like a walking tank.

He was wearing the standard Marine armor and didn't hold a weapon of any sort. He himself... was - in the the doctor's opinion - That weapon.


The Doctor himself favour a M6 Pistol Heavily Modifed to fire ION rounds at it's target. Bypassing shields and killing 'things' with deadly efficiency. He crafted these weapons and ammo himself. It took his mind maybe a day or two to design the blueprints, another day to create the modifications to the M6D Magnum.


The Man's eyes had the look of something like 'I'm going to rip your face off, hang you upside down, drain the blood from your body and then drink that blood'. He had killed alot - from what the doctor could tell.



A suited man suddenly appeared on the holo-table, that was now acting as a projector for a Smart-AI instead of a projector for any sort of battle.


"Hello OMEGA Team Zulu, you are going to be testing your skills on a Covenant occupied colony, once occupied by the UNSC and or Humanity... if you'd prefer." The AI stated simply and the spartan scoffed, almost seeming to laugh at the AI's statement.


"What is the primary objective?" The Spartan demanded of the AI and placed the psalms of his hands on the table, leaning forward, eager to kill.


The AI dissappeared and a ship was brought up on the projector.


"This ship... codenamed: DAISY is your objective, you're objective is to pilot and capture it - and also... try to bring it back to... Reach." The AI had a habit of pausing to try and add effect.


It was aggravating... and the objective seemed impossible... as if COMMAND knew they were going to fail.

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There is actually a website that lets you post fanfictions on it. Here is the link; http://www.fanfiction.net/ . If you post it there, then put the link to the book onto this site, in its own forum, then you can still get reviews on your story from people that'll read it, and it'll take less room on a page. :)


However I'm not going to stop you from posting here. Can't technically do that anyway. Just saying, could save a lot of time and space (Not a sci-fi pun).

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I Shall continue posting on this site because I do not desire to create a new profile and have almost no people view my FF because it will get buried alive by other FFs.

Okay, up to you. Just thought you should consider it, since it will allow for more reviews. besides that, like I said, you could just continue to post the links here.

But if your mind is set, I can't change that.

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