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Dominion tweaks?

Sgt Kaveman

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Just an idea, maybe make the weapons "team" based. Such as Red teams weapons/vehicles are only red team accessible, and vise versa for blue team. This would probably piss alot of folks off, those being the ones who live in their parents basement, collecting welfare, and playing this game 24/7.


For the people who try to enjoy these games casually, it might bring the spawn camping, and camping in general to a lower occasion. Another thing would be tone down the damn battle rifle or make it a bit more inaccurate, maybe make it worthless while your on the move, but deadly if your crouching?


Just some ideas to throw at you guys.


You already started to steer this game towards "Call of Duty" players, why not bring it back to the loyal Halo fans? You guys are starting to pull a "Bioware" **** move. I feel like you guys are 1/2 assing this game to make your quick buck, "hit it, and quit it" like SEGA does.


You guys set out to be just as good, if not better than bungie, now you need to prove it.

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First off, you might not want to be so vulgar the mods are pretty strict about that.

Also you probably shouldn't attack people, your comment about the basement. Haha.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say in this thread? I don't see this game being 1/2 done. Or 343 not producing a quality game. I enjoy the game a lot. There are certainly difference in this Halo than in other Halo games. But every Halo game brings something new to the table.

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