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The Mantis is resilient but it seems to me that the armaments aren't that powerful. The rockets have very little splash and the minigun doesn't seem to be as effective as the Hog/Turret version. It moves slowly and is a massive target.


I see most Mantis getting loads of kills because players will rush at it on open ground. Some counters:

  • If you've got a Gauss hog or Scorpion you should be able to beat it in a gunfight.
  • There are plenty of power weapons that handle it (sticky launcher, railgun, spartan laser, rocket launcher) and snipers murder its shields.
  • Plasma pistol is an insta-win if it is near any terrain that lets you get in range.
  • Jet Pack, Camo, Dash, Hologram can all be used to make a dash to board.

People seem to be frustrated that you can't simply take it on 1v1 with a DMR and expect to win but you shouldn't be able to. It takes a strong counter or 2+ players working in a coordinated manner to beat and that's fine.

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  On 12/21/2012 at 1:16 PM, Caboose the Ace said:

in the trailer it looked like an overpowerd vechilue but it isnt two to four peaple can take it down pretty easilery 1 person if hes good enought


Having played a little more big team today this is definitely my experience. The Mantis can't chase opponents it is reliant on them making themselves easy targets. Against a couple of tactical players the Mantis would be lucky to get either of them.

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  On 12/21/2012 at 11:15 AM, N1AK said:

The Mantis is resilient but it seems to me that the armaments aren't that powerful. The rockets have very little splash and the minigun doesn't seem to be as effective as the Hog/Turret version. It moves slowly and is a massive target.


I see most Mantis getting loads of kills because players will rush at it on open ground. Some counters:

  • If you've got a Gauss hog or Scorpion you should be able to beat it in a gunfight.
  • There are plenty of power weapons that handle it (sticky launcher, railgun, spartan laser, rocket launcher) and snipers murder its shields.
  • Plasma pistol is an insta-win if it is near any terrain that lets you get in range.
  • Jet Pack, Camo, Dash, Hologram can all be used to make a dash to board.

People seem to be frustrated that you can't simply take it on 1v1 with a DMR and expect to win but you shouldn't be able to. It takes a strong counter or 2+ players working in a coordinated manner to beat and that's fine.



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As long as the other team doesn't support it, otherwise its a walking perfection machine. Give me 1 guy on a ghost for close support and I can destroy in those things, if you don't have close support tho, PP kills ya, DMR's pick ya apart, and watch out for that inceneration cannon, your big slow target can get cross mapped easy

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