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Why are there so many balance complaints?

Leonard L. Church

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So far I've seen a lot of complaints on balance, bit I haven't found a problem. I've played since halo 2 and find this halo really fun to play, yet so many argue a true halo fan would hate this halo. Back to topic, I've found this to have a really good balance of weapons. I'm sick of so many complaints, it's a good start to a new trilogy. Not all of the bugs are worked out yet, so of course it's not going to be perfect. It's still well balanced.

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So far I've seen a lot of complaints on balance, bit I haven't found a problem. I've played since halo 2 and find this halo really fun to play, yet so many argue a true halo fan would hate this halo. Back to topic, I've found this to have a really good balance of weapons. I'm sick of so many complaints, it's a good start to a new trilogy. Not all of the bugs are worked out yet, so of course it's not going to be perfect. It's still well balanced.


'True Halo fan' is just something people say when they want to insult people who don't agree with them, without actually having to think of an insult or back up their opinions with evidence. It doesn't actually mean anything on its own.


In fairness, there are a couple of balance issues (needing to rank up to unlock items which can have a real, tangible effect on the outcome of games immediately come to mind) and problems with the game, and it's definitely not perfect. But most people seem to just be angry because 343i are trying to actually do new things instead of remaking Halo 2.


Every new release since then has generated a lot of anger, that's worth keeping in mind. People hated Halo 3 because the Battle Rifle was no longer completely overpowered, because it had equipment, and because it reduced the number or grenades people could carry - all of which meant it wasn't a 'true Halo game' any more. People hated Reach because of Armor Abilities, visible weapon bloom, and the replacement of the Battle Rifle with the DMR - all of which meant THAT wasn't a 'true Halo game' anymore.


It's just the same thing we're seeing with Halo 4. The people who claim to be 'true Halo fans' are just upset that they haven't remade Halo 2 again. I almost wish they'd just remake it and be done with it so that everyone would finally realise how bug-ridden, broken and imbalanced it really was compared to the newer games. That's not to say there aren't legitimate complaints about Halo 4's balance - there are - just that most of the anger towards the newer games isn't based on what it is, but what it isn't.

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Because of 3 little letters my friend, 3 letters.....




Also because the boltshot outclasses the shotgun and scattershot and its a damn secondary. Every playlist is littered with DMR users


The DMR is what i call the cancer of halo, it keeps coming back and each time it shows up its stronger than before. 343 needs to put a stop to the DMR

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Considering that Halo CE had none of those features and absolutely destroyed any other MP out there (Including H2's to me) I am not sure why people are crying about things.


Games evolve, new features and mechanics are introduced. Otherwise we would just be playing the same game over and over again. I for one am all for the differences H4 gives. Sure its not perfect but for what it is, its a great game to play.

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So far I've seen a lot of complaints on balance, bit I haven't found a problem. I've played since halo 2 and find this halo really fun to play, yet so many argue a true halo fan would hate this halo. Back to topic, I've found this to have a really good balance of weapons. I'm sick of so many complaints, it's a good start to a new trilogy. Not all of the bugs are worked out yet, so of course it's not going to be perfect. It's still well balanced.

I agree.

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The reason is that we are an angry bunch. Who "can't adapt" or "complain too much". That was just sarcasm. The real reason is that most people ( at least I think most) agrees that the DMR is the prominent weapon in Halo 4. I don't like, but I can deal with it for now. And we the angry bunch like the BR much more for some reason. We also don't like the 1-shot secondary, the idea is so alien to us halo players that we deny to deal with it. The idea is pretty obvious that we're complaining because we don't like the game balance, and to openly say your sick of people complaining kind-of offends us who think there is a real problem with the game. How else are these problems to be fixed? If we don't complain they don't know that this crap is broken. I'm also sorry to say that not everyone agrees that the game is 100% orgasm perfect with weapon balancing. Perhaps instead of attempting the implement the idea that all of us complainers are retards who don't know what we're talking about, you should tell us why all of these weapons are perfectly balanced. Oh yes, I'm sick of people complaining about complainers on the forums, it's what the balance discussion is for.

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The reason is that we are an angry bunch. Who "can't adapt" or "complain too much". That was just sarcasm. The real reason is that most people ( at least I think most) agrees that the DMR is the prominent weapon in Halo 4. I don't like, but I can deal with it for now. And we the angry bunch like the BR much more for some reason. We also don't like the 1-shot secondary, the idea is so alien to us halo players that we deny to deal with it. The idea is pretty obvious that we're complaining because we don't like the game balance, and to openly say your sick of people complaining kind-of offends us who think there is a real problem with the game. How else are these problems to be fixed? If we don't complain they don't know that this crap is broken. I'm also sorry to say that not everyone agrees that the game is 100% orgasm perfect with weapon balancing. Perhaps instead of attempting the implement the idea that all of us complainers are retards who don't know what we're talking about, you should tell us why all of these weapons are perfectly balanced. Oh yes, I'm sick of people complaining about complainers on the forums, it's what the balance discussion is for.


Because perhaps there isnt actually a problem with the game. The problem might instead lie with the players. Being so used to a singular style of play any break away from that is cursed. I for one am happy to have many differences. Otherwise whats the point in making "new games" if all you do is update the graphics a bit and leave the gameplay the same? It becomes stale.

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Well, if there are always at least 3 DMR threads going on at a time then I would think there is something wrong with the DMR not the players. You still haven't told me why the gun balance is perfect


I never said it was perfect. I am just saying that maybe the game really isnt the issue. Its the people who want it to conform to their style of play and theirs alone.


Halo is not built around MLG. MLG builds around Halo (among other games). Halo doesnt have to change, MLG does. Gameplay is no less skilled than in any other Halo game, only different. If people refuse to see this than thats their problem.


Upon its release it had its share of bugs and problems like any other game that gets released. Thats normal. However people have been complaing about issues that they want changed because it will improve their experience. Not because it actually needs to be changed. Right now weapons are operating as programed, maps seem to be doing what they should and playlists are up. I dont see a problem here.

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Well, if there are always at least 3 DMR threads going on at a time then I would think there is something wrong with the DMR not the players. You still haven't told me why the gun balance is perfect


I've had no trouble beating a DMR. It's not as bad as people are making it out to be. I use almost every load out weapon too. Not too bad.

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I never said it was perfect. I am just saying that maybe the game really isnt the issue. Its the people who want it to conform to their style of play and theirs alone.


Halo is not built around MLG. MLG builds around Halo (among other games). Halo doesnt have to change, MLG does. Gameplay is no less skilled than in any other Halo game, only different. If people refuse to see this than thats their problem.


Upon its release it had its share of bugs and problems like any other game that gets released. Thats normal. However people have been complaing about issues that they want changed because it will improve their experience. Not because it actually needs to be changed. Right now weapons are operating as programed, maps seem to be doing what they should and playlists are up. I dont see a problem here.

The weapons are not operating as programed, the DMR was made for long range combat, and yet, it is used everywhere except at boltshot range. Its the fact that the DMR is operating well at mid range when it was designed for long range. And it has a faster kill time than the BR.
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The weapons are not operating as programed, the DMR was made for long range combat, and yet, it is used everywhere except at boltshot range. Its the fact that the DMR is operating well at mid range when it was designed for long range. And it has a faster kill time than the BR.


Except it is a mid to long range weapon..... so yes its operating exactly as it should be.


More to the point, if people use it at any range then blame the player not the game. Its the players choice to use that weapon at different ranges.

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The game gave the player the ability to use it at such close range.


The game gives the player the ability to use any weapon at any range. Its the players choice to use it and whatever range they use it at. It falls upon the player and their choices, not the game itself.

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'Cause people are reactionary and would rather have problems go away than learn how to solve them.

'Cause people are reactionary and would rather have problems go away than learn how to solve them.

(What is up with this double quoting thing?) I've already adapted to only having the DMR and the boltshot in my classes. I want to be able to use the carbine without knowing that I'm at a disablility because I'm using the carbine.
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