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Wild's Forge Challenge - A Forge Cafe Contest


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Halo Community Tournament: Halo 4 Flood

From undr zid:

Forge Cafe is hosting its first Forge contest. The deadline will be TWO WEEKS from now, ending December 30th, 2012 at midnight CST.

• You will be given a template that can be downloaded from Lit3rly Log1c's File Share.
• You can add whatever you want to the template, but you are not allowed to edit the template itself.
• How you use the budget is entirely up to you. You could use all of it, or only 500; the choice is yours.
• You can have one partner to collaborate with, or you can work on your own. Note that only one person will be awarded per map.
• The map can support any game type, including mini games, but MUST be functional as a working map.
•Your map must be playable with 16 people, as these will be judged at the Forge Cafe Game Nights.

Disqualification criteria:
• Map was turned in after the deadline.
• Map is not functional. Spawns not set up, spawns off map, trapped spawns, game type not set up, etc.
• Offensive map title or description.
• Stolen map or manipulated map (plagiarized, hacked, or any other means of cheating).

Judging criteria - Maps will be judged based on:
• Aesthetic appeal.
• Reaction of testers.
• Overall fun and replay-ability.
• Creativity.

[1st] 1600 MSP card + premium user promotion.
[2nd] Halo 4 Avatar T-shirt code (male or female) + premium user promotion.
[3rd] Premium user promotion.

Good luck to all participants!

Wild's Forge Challenge - A Forge Cafe Contest

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