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I have been playing halo 4 for a while since it came out now i dont own special edition as i could not get a copy.


But i have reached rank SR70 and seems i cant not progress any further as there are no more specializations for to choose from.


But there are 8 in total so how do i get to the other 5 specializations so i can progress further or is it like the double xp and europeans are not allowed to access it and is only for the americans.


Cause i have seen peeps with ranks SR113 is the highest i have seen so far .



please can someone give me some answers or is this another games studio trying to make quick doe

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I live in the UK Diddnt have a code.. just glad eBay exists 3 quid for the spec code but I agree it is stupid I know people who have gone off the game the commendation bonus exp and games don't count towards your rank so it takes away elements of fun and progress should have made it avaliable for everyone hopefully they will in the future

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343 have massively mishandled the specialisation unlocks. I can understand the reason for giving them to pre-order players for a time; but then they rewarded early buyers in the US and basically gave the finger to the rest of the world. Also by limiting XP/Level at 70 they are putting some off the most active players off (not me at my mighty 32). At least if they still tracked XP/Level and assigned it when new specialisations came out they would be more likely to keep playing in the meanwhile. Finally if they'd announce when they are planning to unlock the specialisations they'd help themselves because atm everyone who is waiting is frustrated where as many less active players who won't reach 50 let alone 70 for months wouldn't care if they unlocked in March etc.

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@N1AK...well said...343i's action to screw over a block of customers (SR70 cap) is bad business.

@343i...I'll be surrendering my SR70 rank and returning both the xBox & Halo 4 game to the store.

Dude...They will get the problem fixed. Just be patient. They may have screwed up, but believe me, they are paying for it.

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