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How I feel about Halo 4

OMG Treason

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No, this is not another rant thread about how Halo 4 sucks, I actually think the game is quite good. But if I could tell you about my experience with the people who play the game itself it rhymes with pounding nails into my eyeballs.


You see the game itself is quite enjoyable pretty well designed and I can see what they envisioned for the game variety. However that has not been achieved. Currently, what we have is a whole bunch of people spamming RT as fast as they can with their DMR. Now what I think 343i imagined was people would use the DMR as it's description implies to fill its long range niche. Sadly, it does do that but a little too well and it works close range too; the result is a whole bunch of soccer mom level gamers going "Ham". The gun itself isnt that overpowered, the aim assist and exploitation of it is, if you understand what I mean. I don't blame people I am in no way mad, its human nature to take the "Easy route" but

sometimes at time such as this it gets out of hand.


On the topic of exploiting things, another controversial topic is the Boltshot. The way I see it every gun has its niche, the Magnum cleaning up people, Plasma Pistol vehicles, the Boltshot smiting people with the wrath of Hades. Sorry, I mean CQC combat. At first I was like no this gun doesn't really need a nerf but then I figured out how to use the thing and it is too good. It is also really rage inducing. For example, I was on a nice kill streak with my UNSC Shotgun, up to a triple kill going for the overkill on the gentlemen coming around the corner. LOL NOPE BOLTSHOT I even shot first at near point blank only to pop his shields. Again this is human nature an easy way to get kills and what I like to call fake being good. A poser if you will. I feel it could use a bit of a range nerf or ammo consumption nerf. It may not seem that good until you encounter an experienced user.


Team mates.. oh boy how I love the brain dead blokes I get paired up with to blast away at the enemy team. Quite often I will go to drive the warthog and the bloke in the back of my Hog seems more interested on gunning down passing butterfly's while we proceed to be turned into smoking hot scrap metal by a nearby Spartan Laser. I know the old saying, DO NOT PLAY WITH RANDOMS well sometimes I like to play by myself and it would be nice to really on a team mate that doesn't consist of wheel chair bound cross eyed hobbit s rolling around on the battlefield.

Playing objective game types with people who spend more time on their back than their feet, and don't have a mic is about as much fun as having my teethe picked witha pizza slicer but you get the point.


All in All, I think it is a great game its the community who ruins it by exploiting it and acting like morons. Any fun on-line gaming used to have I feel has been shot down and not by like light gunfire I mean by like a Air guided ball shrivelling missile shot from space. As people scream into their mic's telling their mom what they don't want for dinner this evening. Or the team mate who immediately screams when you don't do one thing they wanted you to do. There are nice people out there but they seem hard to come by.

To 343i if you are reading this, you did a pretty good job on your first game in the Halo franchise, and I anxiously await your next game.

P.S. Before you scream oh you just suck your so lolbutthurt adapt noob. MY service recordhttp://www.halotracker.com/H4/OMG%20Treason



-OMG Treason

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After splashing around in some other shooters I've begun to suspect the Halo community is actually one of the worst out there. I don't really know why, but it just seems like the people who play this game have a much harder time not making everyone else who plays it miserable. There are always people who exploit things in games, but in Halo the saturation is incredible.


Perhaps it's because it takes more than a quick spit from your gun to kill people. Even though you kill much faster in this game than in previous Halos, you still kill much slower than you do in a lot of other shooters. Maybe that makes people search harder for any edge they can get, because killing people is based much more on fighting them instead of just seeing them first. You get plenty of kills where the other person had no chance, but very often, for most of them, you're forced to actually face the other player in combat. Kills are just harder to achieve, so you really resent when you don't get them.


In CoD it's a lot about proper movement, reaction time, and generally most of the influence your skill has on the game takes place before you pull the trigger. In BF3 it's like CoD but with some paper-rock scissors and honestly more tactics, did you bring the thing that your opponent isn't prepared to fight? In the little bit of Gears of War I played it was all about beating the game not the player, players dove a lot in order to out-maneuver their opponents sensitivity, and used as much glitching and such as possible to avoid letting the game work like it was supposed to work. I bought Hybrid earlier this year and while it was closer to Halo in the sense you had to work a bit for a kill, it was as much about moving fast to flank and surprise people often. If you managed that it was a done deal.


In Halo you face each other. I feel like most players might really like that, but only on their terms. When it's not on their terms, they want someting up their sleeve.

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