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Sticky detonator?


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I personally don't like it but I was thinking maybe that was because I didn't know how to use it properly. So my question for you guys is what do you think it is good for? Like give me the pros and cons of it depending on the maps, gametypes, playstyles, etc.

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I love this gun, got an overkill with it today.


It's a gun designed for setting traps basically. You pull the trigger to fire a projectile that sticks to surfaces and spartans and then pull the trigger again to detonate the projectile. It has a maximum range (About 60m maybe?) that detonates the projectile whether or not you want it to detonate, but most of the time you want to stick the floor or the wall where someone is ABOUT to be and then detonate the grenade before they can get away.


The grenade beeps, shows up on Promethean Vision, and its beeping becomes more rapid the closer it is to detonating (It has a maximum amount of time before it self-detonates, something like a minute, it's pretty generous). So people will generally spot a sticky detonator grenade you set too far in advance.


It IS influenced by the Explosives upgrade! It gains about 2 meters to its radius when used with the explosives upgrade. This is actually pretty handy because the sticky detonator's grenades probably have damage and radius comparable to a rocket. Someone close to the epicenter of the blast will be killed instantly, and if you pop it in between a few weakened enemies you get an easy multikill. You can detonate the projectile as soon as it sticks to a surface, and it has a pretty good velocity so you don't need to worry about waiting too long to detonate.


You CAN use it in combat the same way you use any other gun because generally you can plant a grenade and detonate it faster than someone can 5-shot you with a DMR, however this is more risky because it only kills within about a 5-6 foot radius, outside of that space they will only be damage and you'll be killed while you reload.

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I agree, I think I am going to put this into my maps from now on. I was watching "The Refinery" for MLG and they were talking about game type settings. One of the things that was mentioned was the power weapons. They decided upon the Sticky Detonator, Concussion Rifle, and the Magnum or at least considered these weapons. If you haven't seen the series go check it out on Youtube. I think these are great ideas for power weapons and they seem better than Rockets, Swords, and the Incineration cannon. I think with these they are not overpowered but they give enough incentive to go to certain areas in maps. So they give a nice play style and twist to maps and the MLG feel.

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Sticky grenade is a fantastic power weapon. I play with Explosives most of the time which apparently makes the blast even bigger (though I wasn't aware) but I can get a kill with ~80% of shots and it can be used defensively: you only need to see (and be target-able by victim) for the time it takes to fire the single shot. I rarely use it for more than direct shot and kills but using it tactically on a choike point or objective can be very effective

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