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my halo 4 review

Caboose The Ace

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it was good it had a good story and chrcters u genatrly cared about and after a while u started to feel like chief u could feel evrything he was going through u felt u felt u were inside that armor u felt like u know cortana as long as he did well done 343 4 that as wellit was pretty hard i was good to see the old covies again as well as new edemies in witch a knight u see with a incition cannon scares the ************ outa me it also was good paced as well th ending was very emotinal and it was good to see chief with a nemins the didact i also loved the interactive moments but therre were 2 few i think and halo 4 rearly thaught me to rearly on myself pretty much 10 i loved it


sparten ops.....


i love it as welll it free a second camapin basilcy the cutscenes at the start are cool and alought it is the same maps i dont care i love it anyway lol it is basilcy firefight with a objetive and is the midle ground 4 all cornors of the halo comminty i also love roland the ai on infinty and it is nice 2 see dr halzy again alought half of season 1 is out the next half look very asome cannot wait 2 play it final score well not 2 sure 8 9 or 10 cannot decide


ps better than firefight by alot


forge .......


good but i would prefer forge would again an i feel in halo 4 machima is dead but back on topic it encludes good new pices and amzaing new tools grav zones atomic moving veciles and auto turreuts thought i ccannot sy much more aboout it i ernans a 8 out of 10


war games ......


the heart of halo already i love the new weekly updates and the loadot feture the ordnce drops the new playisists new gametypes asome maps it fels comtive the chllges i love every cornor of im not going to say much more about it becase u need 2 play it i also love the new stances as well pretty cool stuff its very acdicting


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