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Its a question but i got ya in here lol is there a list of the things they are working on? Before starting this thread i saw a thread called "bolt shot is not op" lol really? Send me the link to the gun in any other halo game that you spawned with that was an instant kill. Oh sure the BXR is "cheating" bungies words as well as a ton of the soft core Halo's community and yet your all cool with these Call of Duty wannabe settings? Its a good thing it was Call of Duty 343 was catering to and not something else, if pokemon was the norm we might have AA's that oh wait we do the little floating turret thing that does nothing and helps no one unless they are camping in a single spot. You get my point. God knows what we would of ended up with lmao but really? halo historically no sprint, cod gets popular, now its actually a mandatory built in lol Cod lets you spawn with shotguns, instant kills at close to mid range, halo follows suit. Its so blatently obvious how is nobody not seeing this? 343 what happend to flag dropping and getting unscoped when you got shot or "flinching" ? did you guys never play a halo game? Thats for lack of a better term, standard **** lol Its almost hilarious that a company can be responsible for a game millions of people drool over while waiting to come out while at the same time hold their hopes high for your success, praise you and beg you to make something with solid mechanics and you release this mix of halo and wannabe catering to popular masses to make a quick buck?


343 charge me an extra 20$ for the game on release ill pay it if you can make a game that i dont have to spend hours posting online about trying to fight for the soul of halo. Bungie failed halo, thats painfully obvious. Halo 2 the softcore community didnt like as much because of button glitches. The hardcore community started with halo 3 being more of problem than the success it ended up being. Many said the games graphics were very "animated" and less life like. Bullet travel time didnt help with registration. Halo reach was easily the most retarded halo next to halo wars with the introduction of an accurate spray and pray weapon, DMR with bloom the size of a quarter of my screen. Halo 4 is a mix of several halo's with better graphics. You rewrapped the mauler and made it required to be charged but than let us spawn with it and renamed it the boltshot. Binary rifle is an over powered sniper rifle that removes the fun of using a sniper rifle. You can shoot a player in the foot and they disinergrate. Why not just make it 2 shots like beam and sniper? the effect alone is worth using it. Very cool to watch someone disinergrate but combined with no flinching, a little op dont you think?


Please stop with these ridiculos AA's you can spawn with. One of them makes all your guys work pretty much worthless and thats the jetpack. Its like "oh hey i work at 343 and spent like weeks building this bridge on this map for everyone to play on and walk up to get to this spot." and the next cubicle over is some guy like "hahah hes building a bridge, im buidling a jetpack to make his bridge pointless." It breaks the map. Put some **** in the sky for us to stand or float on while your at it if the goal is to move these battles to the sky. Promethian vision, do i need to reallllllly get into wtf promethian vision plus boltshot looks like? ive experienced it enough for one week i would hate to have to dive deep into why this combo is not only overpowered but is incredicbly CHEAP lol or the ability to heal you entire team at the press of a button by dropping a shield regenerating field that honestly I usually have no problem dealing with its just kinda lame no? The bubble shield from halo 3 I thought was a better idea than the regenerator. The Thrust pack i cant really understand as to why it kicks me into third person. Does using something on my back somehow require me to see it? i know what direction I want to go, I dont need to see myself go that way only to be killed because I cant fight back while using it, i have to completely read just my aim after each use to continue the battle. Which honestly unless im near a wall or corner to gain cover from is pretty much pointless and considering how much easier it is to get kills now.


the spawn system definitely needs some adjustng. At no point in infinity slayer do i feel like im playing a 4v4. In the off chance i can even manage a tripple kill all 3 players spawn within miliseconds of eachother directly next to and behind my overkill. I feel like I'm constantly fighting waves and waves of endless enemies with no time for my shield to go back up even with the perk that speeds it up. Sitting farther back especially in multiplayer with regualr infiinity kids seems to be the most successful way to play, and since Halo decided to again rip a page from the call of duty book and reward you directly with a power weapon fired into the ground at your feet via your own convienence (usually sticky launcher) and honestly ive had enough of that gun. If I go in by myself sticky launchers are very easy ways to get lots of kills with minimum effort. They spawn on the map and or they fire down infront of you in an "ordnance" or what I like to call the "kill joy medal ability" The name stems clearly from the halo 3 killjoy medal. A medal put into the game for those who were lucky enough to kill the people who were dominating them or a "thanks for playing medal"


Not trying to bash or anything I just had really high hopes and as a n avid halo player over many many many years I must say where Bungie let me down you guys are certainly making me question some of the decisions your making a lot of which surrounding the lack of a few key game components. Ordnance's should just contain AA's and that is where you can put the ones that really benefit a player. Call of Duty is not a sandbox game, you are forced to create loadouts or you wont have any nice guns or settings and are now in halo which is fine and tbh they dont really bother me in halo because its hard to garuntee who your going to get matched up with especially with the lack of a ranking system. With a ranking system I would like to think players I'm being matched up with have the same skill level or close to it to where we can all start on each game in classic halo style and thats dead even with everyone else. Let halo be halo and be a game where you gotta fight over the **** onthe map.


If every kid who gets within 3 feet of me is using bolshot after this update things need to be fixed or MLG better have some balanced settings for me to play with otherwise I'm done. I'm not trying to get frustrated over a video game with cheap mechanics that require me to play on the same grimey level as players who should be using precision weapons they spawn with to kill me but turn to cheap tactics that are being hampered by a rewrapped mauler that needs to be charged up before each use that I have with me 100% of the time. Honestly the solution would just to be remove loadouts. They are a Call of Duty mechanic and would be a simple fix. Different gametypes back in the day meant depending on what you were playing you would use different weapons or moderatley different settings. Every halo 4 game is get a kill, get killed, get a kill, get killed, get a kill, get a double, get killed. Its just nonsense. Theres no break, reloading is almost a hinderance.


The point of killing the other team mechanically is to gain map control and be able to go after power weapons or move to higher ground or go after the objective i.e. koth/flag/ball and it just feels like I'm playing 4v6-8 because of the frequent spawning ontop of their own teammates nuts. Let the penalty for being out slayed happen. What sthe point after taht? constant stimulation that never ends and has no point? Thanks, call of duty puts enough games out every other year i dont need to be playing "Call of Duty: Spartan Ops" next year.


tldr - do we have a list of possible fixes and things for the TU? how do we add to said list if it exists? Where do I post to get this **** seen? Me and the developers need to have a talk.

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i agree on some points like map control and power weapons. i dont think instant spawns and ordinance are suited to ranked and traditional halo play but i think it plays well for something different. Its not like they made it so instant respawn is the only spawning setting possible and ordance is the only way to play.

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i agree on some points like map control and power weapons. i dont think instant spawns and ordinance are suited to ranked and traditional halo play but i think it plays well for something different. Its not like they made it so instant respawn is the only spawning setting possible and ordance is the only way to play.


But they did. You can't turn instant respawn off...

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go turn it off in custom then... cause you can't.... agree with this post or most of it.. i dont like playing call of duty black ops 4 or spartan ops


Sorry hes right in CTF you can have regular spawns. Didn't mean to lead anyone to think otherwise just thought it was common knowledge. I think Slayer is the only gametype that requires insta spawn. Its the most played game type though so it sucks. However the rest of the time even if you commit suicidie you can "instaspawn" 7/10 seconds and just have a regular 3 second spawn which kinda defeats the purpose of the 10 second suicide penalty. Its like yes 343, its safe to assume most of us want to "skip" the suicide penalty but than why do we even have it? Hopefully insta spawn for slayer will be first to go in the tu but i still would like to know if there is a list somewhere i can see or see whats being worked on.

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Sorry hes right in CTF you can have regular spawns. Didn't mean to lead anyone to think otherwise just thought it was common knowledge. I think Slayer is the only gametype that requires insta spawn. Its the most played game type though so it sucks. However the rest of the time even if you commit suicidie you can "instaspawn" 7/10 seconds and just have a regular 3 second spawn which kinda defeats the purpose of the 10 second suicide penalty. Its like yes 343, its safe to assume most of us want to "skip" the suicide penalty but than why do we even have it? Hopefully insta spawn for slayer will be first to go in the tu but i still would like to know if there is a list somewhere i can see or see whats being worked on.


whats funny is the only gametype there is no instant respawn the spawn system is broken Lol. insta respawn needs to be taken out. in slayer you can not edit insta respawn sadly.

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I'd like to see a gametype where all the abilities and specializations are disabled, and everyone starts with the same gun. Just a nice level playing field.


You wont see a large amount of people looking to return to the vanilla days of halo. Everyone is interested in mixing the old with the new, but again the trick is to make light touches and combine them with solid mechanics. Not strip the game down to br/dmr, sniper and rockets. Its boring, uninteresting and a lazy way to find a balance in a game with an ever growing sandbox. Specializations you won't see in MLG and I wouldnt be suprised if 343 had a similar playlist without them. Everyone starting with the same gun is a more competitive and balanced way to play and in a competitive playlist I 100% agree it should be the norm but going into random play lists by yourself often having not the best teammates being able to help the less skilled players because you have more access to things i think is fine as the playlists are meant to be fun and encourage winning but not make it a requirement to where teamwork, team shooting, and skilled competitive players are a necessity. You can play, have fun, use weird abilities and carry your random team if need be.


honestly im pumped for this TU, MLG bravo, and the new settings we should be seeing from MLG on top of them being given another playlist which is awesome (^.^)b

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Great post about halo 4. Well said. Only a few disagreements. Mauler almost always required a follow up punch to finish the job. Much like shotgun actually. Boltshot is one shot all the time. Not a great comparison.


You also said reach sucked and it really doesn't. Other than bloom, jump height, and select abilities it's the same as any other halo. I tried playin halo 3 recently and honestly after playing reach for so long 3 felt slow. Jumps felt like I was floating lol. Don't get me wrong 3 was amazing. But when people say reach was horrible it really tends to be an overreaction. Reach was a good example of how halo needed to be brought into the "new century" but it should have stopped there. It was a sprinkle of new stuff and it worked IMO. Unlike h4 where they basically scrapped what made halo good and made up their own rules and gameplay from scratch. Completely deviated from what halo ever was. I fear this is the end of the line for halo folks. It's time we bid it farewell. It's obvious 343 will not "step backwards" to bring back the halo we all love. It's a done deal. So either you like the new crappy version or you move on. I myself have not picked up h4 in a month and have no desire to. I'm contempt with some games of reach now and then and that's all. The glory days are over folks. Had to happen sometime.


Fun part is watching what's left of the halo community. A bunch of guys who never even plug their mics in anymore and who have no desire for teamwork or anything of the sort. The loners who sit in corners all game and never move. Basically the guys you never wanted on your team in any other halo are now all on 4 lol. The guy who in multiteam on reach would stand away from everyone with a sniper even if the type was king of the hill because he was just a ****** trying to get easy kills to make himself feel better about life.

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too much for lazy me to read thoroughly, but just from skimming i have to say scope out when shot was always just a bad aspect of halo and im glad its the way it is now. but as far respawning, dear god you are right on the money there. with insta spawn there is no point of the game where i feel like me and my team have a stratagy, because even if you pull off everything required to take out the other team and steal whatever holdout area they are in, it suddenly becomes aparent that your 4v4 battle is actualy just a 4v8 battle at any given time. soooo many times ive gone againt 4 people, seeing them RIGHT THERE, cleared out 2 or 3 and as im about to kill the other 1 or two their respawning teamates ASSASSINATE ME. keeping in mind all that happens within a few seconds, its unnacceptable :(


another aspect of insta respawn is how it punishes you for killing the enemy. like sometimes im lonewolfing for a sec to take out a stragler or camper, but as im running to him my teamates kill the other 3, placing me very suddenly 1 v 4.... thats REALLY bad game functionality fail -_-

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How can anyone go against the OP and say Instant-spawns are fine?


Team slayer should have at least a full 3 second spawn, if not a 5 second. The biggest game effected by the instant-spawns in oddball. The game turns into grenade warfare because you die, spawn, nade repeat. <-- this can be done a few dozen times a game. If a person has +1 grenade turned on, I've seen people with 30-40 deaths in a game.


THINK ABOUT THAT 90 to 120 ******* GRENADES from one person!


CTF should be always 10 seconds

All other gametypes with objectives should be 5 second

FFA sure, keep that as instant

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even ctf is a failure. i feel like its 5v10 in that playlist and the only way to get the flag is for us to keep throwing bodies at the flag untill we get lucky. adrift flag is a joke i've gotten a frenzy off camping there spawn only for them to respawn there when im out of ammo no sheilds to finsh me. stupid


all the things with insta respawn my god. it is like 4v8 i'd like to be benefited for killing there team shouldn't i be rewarded with killing them? oh? my reward is needler plasma nade and speed boost? and theres is sniper and rockets?? Thanks 343.

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halo reach did suck and you mentioning bloom like yea it was annoying but everything else was good is stupid, bloom is a core game mechanic. Making a game thats based on accuracy and having bloom is utterly retarded it led to a game that was frustrating and random

random? All you had to do was time your shots properly. I can rape a team of 4 in reach with bloom and all. It's manageable. In 4 you're lucky if you get the occasional double kill by stealing a kill someone else was working on. Unmanageable. Big difference in how the mechanics are actually manageable.
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random? All you had to do was time your shots properly. I can rape a team of 4 in reach with bloom and all. It's manageable. In 4 you're lucky if you get the occasional double kill by stealing a kill someone else was working on. Unmanageable. Big difference in how the mechanics are actually manageable.


of course you can rape a team of 4 in halo reach. All the good kids quit.. lol they new the game was a joke. The trick was by no means to "time" your shots, the trick was to put as many shots in as you could as you moved up the map, and to keep the other teams shields low to where they had so much fire power on them bloom made no difference. At point blank 85% of players would spam like crazy and easily 75 % of that 85% was winning their one on ones using a weapon that was designed to not work when absolutely raping the trigger of your own controller. Bloom itself has been in every halo game. Theirs loads of youtube vids to prove it. Bungie tried to create a new easy to use long range precision weapon to replace the ever unpopular BR. The br itself lost popularity with that introduction of bullet travel time in halo 3 and the loss of button combos. The travel time meant poor registration, and 3 bullets meant a spread to control that your average social player really just didnt understand. Switching from 3 bullets to 1 kept registration under control, and visual bloom was added to allow players to determine how accurate their bullets would be. Which makes no sense because hitscan meant if the aimer is red it will physically hit you no matter what. So your bloom could be a mile wide but if its red and your playing hitscan it still is going to hit the other player. It was an accurate gun that you could spam, why not just do what they have always done and make the rifle have a delay between shots. Individual trigger pulls like any other rifle. The best playlist was easily the mlg play list that had no bloom.


too much for lazy me to read thoroughly, but just from skimming i have to say scope out when shot was always just a bad aspect of halo and im glad its the way it is now.


i disagree with you there because you gotta imagine how much harder it is to aim and shoot and strafe at the same time when shot at. Realistically now you can't take your time looking down a scope when your getting pummelled by bullets. Against a sniper in halo 4 your almost garunteed to get hit once and killed before you can get your 5 shots off, and challenging a sniper at long range with the br is a ******* joke lol. Making "quickscoping" an MLG crowd pleasing skill that has filled venues with "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" which belive you me, is very very very satisfying to hear.


Great post about halo 4. Well said. Only a few disagreements. Mauler almost always required a follow up punch to finish the job. Much like shotgun actually. Boltshot is one shot all the time. Not a great comparison.


You also said reach sucked and it really doesn't. Other than bloom, jump height, and select abilities it's the same as any other halo. I tried playin halo 3 recently and honestly after playing reach for so long 3 felt slow. Jumps felt like I was floating lol. Don't get me wrong 3 was amazing. But when people say reach was horrible it really tends to be an overreaction. Reach was a good example of how halo needed to be brought into the "new century" but it should have stopped there. It was a sprinkle of new stuff and it worked IMO. Unlike h4 where they basically scrapped what made halo good and made up their own rules and gameplay from scratch. Completely deviated from what halo ever was. I fear this is the end of the line for halo folks. It's time we bid it farewell. It's obvious 343 will not "step backwards" to bring back the halo we all love. It's a done deal. So either you like the new crappy version or you move on. I myself have not picked up h4 in a month and have no desire to. I'm contempt with some games of reach now and then and that's all. The glory days are over folks. Had to happen sometime.


Fun part is watching what's left of the halo community. A bunch of guys who never even plug their mics in anymore and who have no desire for teamwork or anything of the sort. The loners who sit in corners all game and never move. Basically the guys you never wanted on your team in any other halo are now all on 4 lol. The guy who in multiteam on reach would stand away from everyone with a sniper even if the type was king of the hill because he was just a ****** trying to get easy kills to make himself feel better about life.


Thanks for the compliment bro, but with all do respect.. why are you here? you havent played the game in over a month, and have no desire to. The fact that you would defend halo reach is laughable and I say that to everyone else who agrees. Lets be clear, halo reach was god awful compared to OTHER HALO GAMES it still is better than a ton of other games out there by all means. That doesnt mean though just because its better than so many others it gets to slack from what it could potentially be done right and agreed nobody likes a stat *****.

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Looks like someone took a posting lesson from me....very tl,dr. I suggest you try breaking down a huge rant like that into easy to understand sections. It helps get your points acrossed in an easier to understand fashion.


From what I did skim, im only going to pick on one subject...the " starting off with the same weapon" bit. Not everyone is good with every weapon. If your team or you as a single rumble player is the only one/ones good with the starting weapon....how is that fair and truly competative, relative to the opposing faction/persons skill.set? Some players are great with weapons like an AR or plasma rifle or SMG...but can be utterly fail with a BR or DMR. In those matches where a precision weapon is the starting, I fail to see the " fair" and even playing ground.

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Looks like someone took a posting lesson from me....very tl,dr. I suggest you try breaking down a huge rant like that into easy to understand sections. It helps get your points acrossed in an easier to understand fashion.


From what I did skim, im only going to pick on one subject...the " starting off with the same weapon" bit. Not everyone is good with every weapon. If your team or you as a single rumble player is the only one/ones good with the starting weapon....how is that fair and truly competative, relative to the opposing faction/persons skill.set? Some players are great with weapons like an AR or plasma rifle or SMG...but can be utterly fail with a BR or DMR. In those matches where a precision weapon is the starting, I fail to see the " fair" and even playing ground.

Are u ******* kidding me the fairness comes from picking up weapons then fighting. Just cause other people may suck with the starting weapon shouldnt change anything. They should be forced to learn the weapon. U sir are why halo 4 is the way it is.

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Looks like someone took a posting lesson from me....very tl,dr. I suggest you try breaking down a huge rant like that into easy to understand sections. It helps get your points acrossed in an easier to understand fashion.


From what I did skim, im only going to pick on one subject...the " starting off with the same weapon" bit. Not everyone is good with every weapon. If your team or you as a single rumble player is the only one/ones good with the starting weapon....how is that fair and truly competative, relative to the opposing faction/persons skill.set? Some players are great with weapons like an AR or plasma rifle or SMG...but can be utterly fail with a BR or DMR. In those matches where a precision weapon is the starting, I fail to see the " fair" and even playing ground.


you might as well not post if your not going to read it. For social games loadouts are fine, as I actually make your point for you but you should actually read it because I touch on different points at different times for different reasons. Its long, and its maybe not the most organized. But if your in a video game forum and even though my intelligence is not that of a kid I'm not a writer. I dont care that its jumbled because at worst its 3-5 minutes worth of reading and you and i both know you have spent more time on the toilet reading worse crap. The fact that another player sucks with a specific gun is absolutely meaningless. A gun is still a gun, you aim and shoot like any other fps game. If you play it more you'll get better at it. If you want to be competitive, just like any other sport, your practice and join a team. What your saying literally dumbs down halo more, takes away from the sandbox, discourages map movement and map control and gives us more of a Call of Duty Spartan Ops feel. Which with your encouragement I can promise is coming. Have you considered that maybe halo just isint the game for you? Your describing call of duty. Letting players start with the AR in this game against rifles is a freaking joke and against any skilled players will leave you sitting at the bottom of the list. Starting them with an inaccurate short distance weapon against all long range precision weapons causes an even more unbalanced playing field.


what is your definition of balance? and fair? when were you little and your sibling got something way better for christmas than you did you consider thatr fair or balanced? Had your parents said, well your younger brother gets the hummer because hes not as a safe as a driver and you can have the bicycle because your in better shape and wont get hit by cars. We need to make sure hes safe, since your smarter and strong enough to ride daily and hes fat and stupid, we are going to spend 50,000$ on him, and 50$ on you. So its fair. Balance literally means same thing on both sides.. which loadouts destroy. 4 players who start with jetpacks and regeneration fieilds and dmrs are going to destroy any team using just AR's and w/e other AA's that just dont compare to jetpack and regeneration field.


that does not happen in any world.. parents will go out of their ways to make sure they buy the exact same thing for siblings. Otherwise they will fight and claim its unfair and or unbalanced. If 12 year olds can figure out whats fair and whats not fair, certainly we and you can too.


with that said ......


Are u ******* kidding me the fairness comes from picking up weapons then fighting. Just cause other people may suck with the starting weapon shouldnt change anything. They should be forced to learn the weapon. U sir are why halo 4 is the way it is.


fairness comes from an even start, weapons on the map, or the sandbox, is what encourages map movement and is what actually takes away from the cod style play. Cod is spawn, run, kill, die, spawn, run, kill, kill, die, change loadout, spawn, hide, get kills while hiding, get a kill streak (ordnance with any major power weapon including sticky launcher) use kill streak to get more kills, die, rinse and repeat. At no point does being at a specific point on the map benefit you the way Halo historically had you going down certain halls or drops to pick up power weapons forcing conflict for weapons instead of just looking for constant spawn, kill, die, spawn, kill, kill, die, spawn, kill, die, spawn, kill, kill, kill, almost get your extermination only to have your last 3 kills spawn around your 4th to save his *** at the last second and force you into a 1v4. Thats some reward for the 3 kills you just got.

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