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Hackers on Flood

Twisted Oracle

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I was just playing some flood when two guys joined my game. I thought all was well but when i was flood these guys pulled out ARs and started cutting us down before we could get close


The AR users GTs





I have filed complaints on them but i also felt the need to make the community aware of these people


If you have had any problems with people like this feel free to share with the rest of us

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I don't think they were hacking, I think it's a glitch over which no one has any control. I know because I joined a flood game in progress on Haven the other day and had an AR and a magnum. I was seriously confused about what team I was on, because I didn't look like a flood and neither did my teammates, but I had an AR instead of a shotgun. I spotted a teammate running across top mid firing his AR at nothing in particular.


Next I heard "Last Man Standing" and saw the nav point direct me to said last man. I zoomed in with my magnum on the last man who was crouching behind a pillar unaware of my presence, and killed him a with a couple shots + headshot. Game over, we won, infection?


I am not a hacker, nor have I ever been or will I ever be. But I definitely spawned with an AR and a magnum as a flood and infected the last man standing with a pistol.


For a moment I wondered if it was a variant gametype of flood, like they had in Halo 3. Pretty sure it was just a glitch though.

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Mmm. That still could just be the loadout glitch though - it might be best to take down their gamertags, just in case they're innocent? Let XBL deal with it instead of risking getting in trouble for slander yourself.


I agree with Rocket. I really don't see why some hackers would go into flood with ARs instead of doing something else that involved modifying the loadouts they had. I would go into BTB with a Binary rifle if I had that power.


I have glitched before where I spawned with a rocket launcher on a slayer match before. So I would assume for now that they were not hacking at all.

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