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scattershot is amazing


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The best part is when you vaporize someone. Reminds me of the death beam from the tripods on war of the worlds? It's like a mini composer. Lol. It's pretty awesome. But...


Although slower rate of fire the UNSC shotgun still packs the hardest punch. It jut radiates sit down power. But when that's not around yeah... I agree. Scattershot for the win.

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Can anyone use it as good as a UNSC shotgun?? Or is it actually less powerful?


It totally depends. I completely disagree that it's overpowered. You can spam the hell out of it, but the way that it does damage is completely random. I can get a one hit kill from a certain distance, recreate the exact same scenario and it takes three shots to kill them.

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It totally depends. I completely disagree that it's overpowered. You can spam the hell out of it, but the way that it does damage is completely random. I can get a one hit kill from a certain distance, recreate the exact same scenario and it takes three shots to kill them.


True. I got one shotted from like super far away. And other times nothing.

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scatershot does seem to deal damage randomly, which gets me killed alot when using it, because it for some reason hates me and always gives me the lowest power shots :( lol UNSC shotgun just owns though. its fire rate is slower, but you know its a 1 shot, whereas the scatter fires something like twice the speed, but may randomly decide to be a 4 shot kill

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The scattershot is by far the most inconsistant weapon in halo 4. It's really fun, but as others have brought up, you can sometimes one shot someone at almost maximum range on its projectiles (they disappear after a certain distance) and then again you can fire all 5 shots and not kill them.


Sometimes it owns, sometimes it just fails.

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I wish all weapons vaporized things. Lol.


I remember playing "Fear" for PC at college and there was a gun called the penetrator that fired projectiles that pinned foes to walls when it made a kill shot. It was about as good as an assault rifle for damage and practicality, but the kill animation always involved the person's body being flung back and pinned to something + rag doll physics. They also had a gun whose kill shot made the person into a charred skeleton. It all just ends up depending on the game and where the developers want to spend their time I guess.


I'm actually OK with not having more elaborate kill animations in Halo, just because it sucks being on the receiving end of someone else's awesome animation.

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I remember playing "Fear" for PC at college and there was a gun called the penetrator that fired projectiles that pinned foes to walls when it made a kill shot. It was about as good as an assault rifle for damage and practicality, but the kill animation always involved the person's body being flung back and pinned to something + rag doll physics. They also had a gun whose kill shot made the person into a charred skeleton. It all just ends up depending on the game and where the developers want to spend their time I guess.


I'm actually OK with not having more elaborate kill animations in Halo, just because it sucks being on the receiving end of someone else's awesome animation.


Ha I know exactly what you're talking about! It's just so gratifying turning someone to ash or nailing them to a wall. Lol. Kibbles and bits.

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I remember playing "Fear" for PC at college and there was a gun called the penetrator that fired projectiles that pinned foes to walls when it made a kill shot. It was about as good as an assault rifle for damage and practicality, but the kill animation always involved the person's body being flung back and pinned to something + rag doll physics. They also had a gun whose kill shot made the person into a charred skeleton. It all just ends up depending on the game and where the developers want to spend their time I guess.


I'm actually OK with not having more elaborate kill animations in Halo, just because it sucks being on the receiving end of someone else's awesome animation.

When you said penetrator, I immediately thought of Saints Row the Third.
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