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Whats everyones opinion on the...

OMG Treason

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Pretty insane weapon. It essentally one shots almost everything directly, perhaps the most hardy of things surviving like a fresh scorpian tank.


The projectile moves far faster then a rocket and insanely faster then a fuel rod shot, like others have said the redicule is red across the map for a reason, as you can pretty much snipe with the thing.

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Pretty insane weapon. It essentally one shots almost everything directly, perhaps the most hardy of things surviving like a fresh scorpian tank.


The projectile moves far faster then a rocket and insanely faster then a fuel rod shot, like others have said the redicule is red across the map for a reason, as you can pretty much snipe with the thing.


I think rockets are faster. If your enemies don't see a giant orange ball barreling at them from across the map, then they deserve to die.

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It's a very useful weapon for cleaning out campers and taking out a vehicle. Never used it for cross map kills though. Only time I get it is on BTS or Dominion so people always have a sniper rifle of some kind. Plus I wouldn't just waste a shot like that unless I knew I'd get a kill. I've killed myself a little bit with the smaller bombs it spawns after the initial explosion. And with my Dexterity perk the long reload isn't even a problem.

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