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Do NOT put the True Skill System ONLY on Halo Waypoint!

Sean Connell

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The true skill system needs to be next to your rank or located on the gamer profile!


What is the point of wasting time implementing the true skill system on a game if no one will look at it?


For example, no one is going to say "You are bad kid....go on halo waypoint and look at my trueskill"


No....no one will look at halo waypoint because it takes too much time.


Gamers want "simplicity."----That is the main point.


The purpose of implementing the true skill system will be to keep the game in promotion with impressive MLG videos on YouTube, MLG events, etc.


To not make the true skill system visible to all players not on halo waypoint is ruining the fan base of hardcore players.


Suporters For the TrueSkill System On The Actual Halo 4 Game:


1) Bruce Ultra

I could not agree more.

2) Agony

I would like to see the true skill implemented into some ranked playlists like snipers, lone wolves, MLG, but we definitely need a better connection searching. This crap where it gets to the point where a sword or flag hit don't even register is beyond a joke, let alone times where you have to use between 7-10 shots of DMR to just knock the shields off some guys.


Disagreements, Which I have Refuted:



1) It matters because it existed before. To take away something numerous halo players once loved is ignorance.


2) So you are saying I represent "everything" that represents online gaming. That statement does not really make sense logically, but I represent an individual who enjoys statistical tracking. If I cannot find out how well I am doing and easily compare myself to others I cannot find out how good or bad the person is that I may potentially party up with. I am not going to stat check everyone's true skill on halowaypoint.com....


3) That is you that will not watch them, only you. You do not represent gaming as a whole. Highly competitive players enjoy tips from players who want to get better, players who want to become pro.



1) Okay well the amount of people who boost is miniscule. Think about it, if people are terrible at the game, why would they boost to a high skill of 50? They will play more difficult people in matchmaking and not play people in their range.


2) Okay well you just said it yourself, the post-carnage report shows how good someone is. Therefore the Trueskill will not negatively affect you personally as a halo 4 gamer. Generally level 50's are that level for a reason...if they do bad in carnage report results then they are obviously frauds...



1) Again, I do not see how I represent gaming as a whole...this just does not make sense logically.


2) However, if I did represent gaming as a whole and I was a disgrace...who cares, I sure do not care about "embarrassment" over a video game. I do not get your point?


3) The way you are typing sounds like you are twelve years old and depressed sir. However, statistics are something I take pride in because it represents my skill. Why play a game if you are bad at it? I have fun playing the game, I would like to see how highly my 18 year old and mature self achieves across the country of competitive gamers...



@Bloody Initiate

1) So you are justifying that I do not understand anything.

2) That was the most redundant post I have ever read.

3) I think I saw the word "understand" or comprehend about 7 different times in multiple forms without any supporting evidence.

4) I obviously understand logic and grammar, which are the most important aspects of life.

5) And I definitely understand how a skill system works and how boosters abuse the true skill system...however as I have said before...the amount of people who do this are miniscule.




Caboose the Ace

1) Your statement does not make any sense. Halo 4 will not turn MLG. There is already a hidden true skill system embedded into the system....




1) How is a skill system an embarrassment to gaming as a whole? Think about these things you say before you type them....

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The true skill system needs to be next to your rank or located on the gamer profile!


What is the point of wasting time implementing the true skill system on a game if no one will look at it?


For example, no one is going to say "You are bad kid....go on halo waypoint and look at my trueskill"


No....no one will look at halo waypoint because it takes too much time.


Gamers want "simplicity."----That is the main point.


The purpose of implementing the true skill system will be to keep the game in promotion with impressive MLG videos on YouTube, MLG events, etc.


To not make the true skill system visible to all players not on halo waypoint is ruining the fan base of hardcore players.


I could not agree more.

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The true skill system needs to be next to your rank or located on the gamer profile!


What is the point of wasting time implementing the true skill system on a game if no one will look at it?


For example, no one is going to say "You are bad kid....go on halo waypoint and look at my trueskill"


No....no one will look at halo waypoint because it takes too much time.


Gamers want "simplicity."----That is the main point.


The purpose of implementing the true skill system will be to keep the game in promotion with impressive MLG videos on YouTube, MLG events, etc.


To not make the true skill system visible to all players not on halo waypoint is ruining the fan base of hardcore players.


Why does it matter at all as long as you're getting balanced games?


Seriously, if you want a skill indicator purely because you want to insult other players and show off, then you're everything which is wrong with modern online gaming. If someone does badly, why the hell is that your business? Prove you're better than them by PLAYING WELL instead of asking them to look at numbers.


As for videos... I don't care how 'skilled' a player is according to some arbitrary system. If their videos are well edited and feature good gameplay, I'll watch them. If they're nothing but people getting Battle Rifle kills and not dying, I won't watch them. The fact that it's made by someone with a skill of 50 won't affect my decision to watch it any more than if they had a skill of 3.


Wanting to do well and have your skill publicly recognised is a legitimate desire. By do it by playing well, not by pointing at numbers which can easily be manipulated.

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Halo 3 showed why TrueSkill is flawed. Gamers boosted, deranked and even bought their accounts just to get a fifty. Besides, TrueSkill is Microsoft's brainchild. Not Bungie's nor 343's. Microsoft implemented it into a lot, if not all of their games at one time. Not sure if they still do. Aside from the exploitation, I never felt TrueSkill was all that accurate anyway because after a player plays so many matches it becomes seemingly impossible to rank up or even down. Never thought of it as "current", focusing on how the player is playing at the time given a span of ten to fifteen games. I suppose I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of ranking system if it focuses more on current performance than overall performance. Reach featured a nice effort to emphasize current performance with their Rating system, but I didn't stick with Reach long enough to see otherwise. Even so, a ranking system focused on current performance still would probably be exploited. I joined a Regicide match on Solace earlier today that was nearly finished. I finished in the vacinty of three kills and three deaths. I wasn't in there long so I don't quite remember. What I do remember is that looking at the post-game stats, I noticed a player going six kills and thirty deaths. Twenty-seven of those thirty deaths were by one player. Twenty-four of those were by Assassination. The point is if players are boosting each other for Commendations and Armor/Emblem unlocks, then don't think they wouldn't do the same in a ranking system of some sort.


I don't need a rank, number or the like next to my name that says how good or bad I am. I let my performance in any given match determine that. I've stated on other threads that a ranking system would give some players another reason to run their mouth. I've also stated that those same players run their mouths anyway. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with players running their mouth, trash talking. However, if you need a cheesy-ranking system to talk trash, then you probably shouldn't talk trash to begin with. The post-game carnage report supplies the stat and number freaks with all the numbers they need to shout off at another player. Numbers don't lie but they don't tell the truth either. Interpret that however you will, as I am not saying anything more. See you in 2013. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good night.

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The true skill system needs to be next to your rank or located on the gamer profile!


What is the point of wasting time implementing the true skill system on a game if no one will look at it?


For example, no one is going to say "You are bad kid....go on halo waypoint and look at my trueskill"


No....no one will look at halo waypoint because it takes too much time.


Gamers want "simplicity."----That is the main point.


The purpose of implementing the true skill system will be to keep the game in promotion with impressive MLG videos on YouTube, MLG events, etc.


To not make the true skill system visible to all players not on halo waypoint is ruining the fan base of hardcore players.


Who cares? If somebody told me to look at their number and see how good they are I'd just SMH... Just play the game already. That's just sad if a number next to your name is the only reason you play to begin with. That's sad man... And that has zero to do with playing competitively. This is you literally wanting to measure virtual dicks. Nobody cares if you're 12 inches or 50 inches. Nobody.

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If you want true skill to be visible only to show off and insult those whose number isn't as high, then you're a disgrace to gaming as a whole. Does anyone even remember when gaming communities even had class? You represent everything wrong with gaming today, obsessed with rankings that account for no merit in real life, and take them as some sort of actual accomplishment that will be of some sort of significance one day and just shove it in people's faces. I can't stand people like you on Halo, people like you ruined the Halo community, take your pathetic, 12 year old, MLG wannabe, K/D obsessed, teabagging *** and go back to CoD where you'll be among your other pathetic friends.



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If you want true skill to be visible only to show off and insult those whose number isn't as high, then you're a disgrace to gaming as a whole. Does anyone even remember when gaming communities even had class? You represent everything wrong with gaming today, obsessed with rankings that account for no merit in real life, and take them as some sort of actual accomplishment that will be of some sort of significance one day and just shove it in people's faces. I can't stand people like you on Halo, people like you ruined the Halo community, take your pathetic, 12 year old, MLG wannabe, K/D obsessed, teabagging *** and go back to CoD where you'll be among your other pathetic friends.




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OP doesn't understand Trueskill. Never did, probably never will. This is the case with nearly everyone I've seen talking about it.


You don't understand its purpose, so you don't understand that you aren't supposed to see it, and you continually fail to understand that Halo 3's success had little or nothing to do with visible Trueskill. Finally, you don't comprehend the possibility that visible trueskill did more damage than good to the Halo franchise.

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True skill won't mean crap on Halo 4 if they don't add in search good connection, my sister could get a 50 in MLG with some of the hosts that me and my mates come up against.

I would rather wait an extra 10 mins in the search lobby then go into a game that is unplayable due to a bad host.


I would like to see true skill implemeted into some ranked playlists like snipers, lone wolves, MLG, but we definately need good connection searching. this crap where it gets to the point where a sword or flag hit don't even register is beyond a joke, let alone times where you have to use between 7-10 shots of DMR to just knock the shields off some guys.

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if they do that halo 4 will turn mlg right now have 4 is halfway between casul and mlg


A visible true skill is neither social or competitive. It's just some crap OP is trying to show off to his kiddy friends like that means anything. It's an embarrassment to gaming as a whole.

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Why does it matter at all as long as you're getting balanced games?


Seriously, if you want a skill indicator purely because you want to insult other players and show off, then you're everything which is wrong with modern online gaming. If someone does badly, why the hell is that your business? Prove you're better than them by PLAYING WELL instead of asking them to look at numbers.


As for videos... I don't care how 'skilled' a player is according to some arbitrary system. If their videos are well edited and feature good gameplay, I'll watch them. If they're nothing but people getting Battle Rifle kills and not dying, I won't watch them. The fact that it's made by someone with a skill of 50 won't affect my decision to watch it any more than if they had a skill of 3.


Wanting to do well and have your skill publicly recognised is a legitimate desire. By do it by playing well, not by pointing at numbers which can easily be manipulated.


1) It matters because it existed before. To take away something numerous halo players once loved is ignorance.


2) So you are saying I represent "everything" that represents online gaming. That statement does not really make sense logically, but I represent an individual who enjoys statistical tracking. If I cannot find out how well I am doing and easily compare myself to others I cannot find out how good or bad the person is that I may potentially party up with. I am not going to stat check everyone's true skill on halowaypoint.com....


3) That is you that will not watch them, only you. You do not represent gaming as a whole. Highly competitive players enjoy tips from players who want to get better, players who want to become pro.



Halo 3 showed why TrueSkill is flawed. Gamers boosted, deranked and even bought their accounts just to get a fifty. Besides, TrueSkill is Microsoft's brainchild. Not Bungie's nor 343's. Microsoft implemented it into a lot, if not all of their games at one time. Not sure if they still do. Aside from the exploitation, I never felt TrueSkill was all that accurate anyway because after a player plays so many matches it becomes seemingly impossible to rank up or even down. Never thought of it as "current", focusing on how the player is playing at the time given a span of ten to fifteen games. I suppose I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of ranking system if it focuses more on current performance than overall performance. Reach featured a nice effort to emphasize current performance with their Rating system, but I didn't stick with Reach long enough to see otherwise. Even so, a ranking system focused on current performance still would probably be exploited. I joined a Regicide match on Solace earlier today that was nearly finished. I finished in the vacinty of three kills and three deaths. I wasn't in there long so I don't quite remember. What I do remember is that looking at the post-game stats, I noticed a player going six kills and thirty deaths. Twenty-seven of those thirty deaths were by one player. Twenty-four of those were by Assassination. The point is if players are boosting each other for Commendations and Armor/Emblem unlocks, then don't think they wouldn't do the same in a ranking system of some sort.


I don't need a rank, number or the like next to my name that says how good or bad I am. I let my performance in any given match determine that. I've stated on other threads that a ranking system would give some players another reason to run their mouth. I've also stated that those same players run their mouths anyway. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with players running their mouth, trash talking. However, if you need a cheesy-ranking system to talk trash, then you probably shouldn't talk trash to begin with. The post-game carnage report supplies the stat and number freaks with all the numbers they need to shout off at another player. Numbers don't lie but they don't tell the truth either. Interpret that however you will, as I am not saying anything more. See you in 2013. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good night.



1) Okay well the amount of people who boost is miniscule. Think about it, if people are terrible at the game, why would they boost to a high skill of 50? They will play more difficult people in matchmaking and not play people in their range.


2) Okay well you just said it yourself, the post-carnage report shows how good someone is. Therefore the Trueskill will not negatively affect you personally as a halo 4 gamer. Generally level 50's are that level for a reason...if they do bad in carnage report results then they are obviously frauds...





If you want true skill to be visible only to show off and insult those whose number isn't as high, then you're a disgrace to gaming as a whole. Does anyone even remember when gaming communities even had class? You represent everything wrong with gaming today, obsessed with rankings that account for no merit in real life, and take them as some sort of actual accomplishment that will be of some sort of significance one day and just shove it in people's faces. I can't stand people like you on Halo, people like you ruined the Halo community, take your pathetic, 12 year old, MLG wannabe, K/D obsessed, teabagging *** and go back to CoD where you'll be among your other pathetic friends.




1) Again, I do not see how I represent gaming as a whole...this just does not make sense logically.


2) However, if I did represent gaming as a whole and I was a disgrace...who cares, I sure do not care about "embarrassment" over a video game. I do not get your point?


3) The way you are typing sounds like you are twelve years old and depressed sir. However, statistics are something I take pride in because it represents my skill. Why play a game if you are bad at it? I have fun playing the game, I would like to see how highly my 18 year old and mature self achieves across the country of competitive gamers...


OP doesn't understand Trueskill. Never did, probably never will. This is the case with nearly everyone I've seen talking about it.


You don't understand its purpose, so you don't understand that you aren't supposed to see it, and you continually fail to understand that Halo 3's success had little or nothing to do with visible Trueskill. Finally, you don't comprehend the possibility that visible trueskill did more damage than good to the Halo franchise.


1) So you are justifying that I do not understand anything.

2) That was the most redundant post I have ever read.

3) I think I saw the word "understand" or comprehend about 7 different times in multiple forms without any supporting evidence.

4) I obviously understand logic and grammar, which are the most important aspects of life.

5) And I definitely understand how a skill system works and how boosters abuse the true skill system...however as I have said before...the amount of people who do this are miniscule.


if they do that halo 4 will turn mlg right now have 4 is halfway between casul and mlg


1) Your statement does not make any sense. Halo 4 will not turn MLG. There is already a hidden true skill system embedded into the system....


A visible true skill is neither social or competitive. It's just some crap OP is trying to show off to his kiddy friends like that means anything. It's an embarrassment to gaming as a whole.


1) How is a skill system an embarrassment to gaming as a whole? Think about these things you say before you type them....

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I really dont see a point to this. Digital number that means absolutely nothing in the real world... Way to go people...


1) I could say the same thing about Video Games in general?

2) Video games mean nothing to people in the real world, so why play them?

3) The point of true skill in video games and the point of video games in general is for a person to receive self-enjoyment. So why should a person judge what another one person may enjoy?

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1) I could say the same thing about Video Games in general?

2) Video games mean nothing to people in the real world, so why play them?

3) The point of true skill and video games is the sense of self-satisfaction on receives. So why should a person judge what another one person may enjoy?


Which is exactly my point, video games are entertainment nothing more. A digital number by your name does not equat to entertainment. It litterally proves absolutely nothing. Taking things way to seriously dude.

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Which is exactly my point, video games are entertainment nothing more. A digital number by your name does not equat to entertainment. It litterally proves absolutely nothing. Taking things way to seriously dude.


I am simply making an argument about something that I disagree with in the design of the halo 4's online system.


You said "which is exactly my point" but did not really draw your point to a sound conclusion. You stated the same thing twice in two sentences and your last sentence was irrelevant.

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1) I could say the same thing about Video Games in general?

2) Video games mean nothing to people in the real world, so why play them?

3) The point of true skill in video games and the point of video games in general is for a person to receive self-enjoyment. So why should a person judge what another one person may enjoy?


From my experince a digital number next to your name only causes frustration and problems with other people not enjoyment

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From my experince a digital number next to your name only causes frustration and problems with other people not enjoyment

What happened to gaming?


Since when was your bad bro...and talking trash not fun. It is a part of the competitive online gaming experience and a part of the halo competition in my opinion. Getting mad was a great aspiration for a halo player to get better at the game.

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1) So you are justifying that I do not understand anything.

2) That was the most redundant post I have ever read.

3) I think I saw the word "understand" or comprehend about 7 different times in multiple forms without any supporting evidence.

4) I obviously understand logic and grammar, which are the most important aspects of life.

5) And I definitely understand how a skill system works and how boosters abuse the true skill system...however as I have said before...the amount of people who do this are miniscule.



1. I don't have to work very hard to prove you don't understand anything, you've done a wonderful job for me. At least the majority of players only know as much as you do, so you won't feel left out.


2. It's redundant because after several years people like you still don't get it


3. I've spent too much time over multiple years explaining this crap to people, supporting my claims, using only facts, and people don't want to listen.


4. Logic and grammar may be the most important aspects of your life, but if you don't know what the **** you're talking about, it really doesn't matter how well you structure your sentence. Logic only helps you when you have information you need, so I'll give some below.


5. No you don't understand it, you don't have any idea what it is or what it's for. No the amount of boosters was NOT miniscule, you either weren't there or you're outright lying because you don't want to admit the biggest weakness in your argument. The biggest hole in your argument btw: The past. History. You're like one of the people who says we should go back to the way things were at ______ time, except the biggest thing you fail to understand is people didn't like it that way and so they don't do it that way anymore.


Here's the information that will help your "logic" get this straight, if you have any of it:


Trueskil is a sorting system. It's designed to put players of roughly equal skill in games together so the games are consistently challenging.


It is NOT a reward system.


It is NOT meant to be bragging rights.


It is NOT designed to motivate competition.


It's only purpose is to keep matches challenging and to avoid players getting matched up against people of very different skill levels. It's based on winning and consistency.


Those are all facts. Real ones, like the kind that you associate with the truth.


It's also very accurate. That's a paraphrase of statements made by people who manage it.


It is more accurate than most people are likely to realize, and more so than most people are ready to accept. That is my personal observation.


You haven't refuted anything, because you're still arguing with people who are the very example of why you are wrong. People who were good at Halo loved seeing their Trueskill. People who weren't could have done without it OR lived in denial that the number was accurate (it was). Most people aren't good at Halo (Fact), most people are average (Definition of fact), so MOST people probably didn't think seeing their Trueskill was especially important, you can see this in Halo 3 any time you get on because Social Slayer was ALWAYS the playlist with the highest population.


Finally, MLG and the hardcore crowd were about as helpful as they were harmful. That's also my personal observation. For better or worse they're here now and I don't resent it.

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What happened to gaming?


Since when was your bad bro...and talking trash not fun. It is a part of the competitive online gaming experience and a part of the halo competition in my opinion. Getting mad was a great aspiration for a halo player to get better at the game.


That stuff is only fun when you are immature and dont understand the term respectful

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1. I don't have to work very hard to prove you don't understand anything, you've done a wonderful job for me. At least the majority of players only know as much as you do, so you won't feel left out.


2. It's redundant because after several years people like you still don't get it


3. I've spent too much time over multiple years explaining this crap to people, supporting my claims, using only facts, and people don't want to listen.


4. Logic and grammar may be the most important aspects of your life, but if you don't know what the **** you're talking about, it really doesn't matter how well you structure your sentence. Logic only helps you when you have information you need, so I'll give some below.


5. No you don't understand it, you don't have any idea what it is or what it's for. No the amount of boosters was NOT miniscule, you either weren't there or you're outright lying because you don't want to admit the biggest weakness in your argument. The biggest hole in your argument btw: The past. History. You're like one of the people who says we should go back to the way things were at ______ time, except the biggest thing you fail to understand is people didn't like it that way and so they don't do it that way anymore.


Here's the information that will help your "logic" get this straight, if you have any of it:


Trueskil is a sorting system. It's designed to put players of roughly equal skill in games together so the games are consistently challenging.


It is NOT a reward system.


It is NOT meant to be bragging rights.


It is NOT designed to motivate competition.


It's only purpose is to keep matches challenging and to avoid players getting matched up against people of very different skill levels. It's based on winning and consistency.


Those are all facts. Real ones, like the kind that you associate with the truth.


It's also very accurate. That's a paraphrase of statements made by people who manage it.


It is more accurate than most people are likely to realize, and more so than most people are ready to accept. That is my personal observation.


You haven't refuted anything, because you're still arguing with people who are the very example of why you are wrong. People who were good at Halo loved seeing their Trueskill. People who weren't could have done without it OR lived in denial that the number was accurate (it was). Most people aren't good at Halo (Fact), most people are average (Definition of fact), so MOST people probably didn't think seeing their Trueskill was especially important, you can see this in Halo 3 any time you get on because Social Slayer was ALWAYS the playlist with the highest population.


Finally, MLG and the hardcore crowd were about as helpful as they were harmful. That's also my personal observation. For better or worse they're here now and I don't resent it.


1) Providing nothing with support of nothing still provided nothing.

2) The TrueSkill System is coming, so this is not redundant. This is NEW. Use a dictionary to understand the term "redundancy."

3) Okay, well I do not believe you. Nor do I have to.

4) I did not say grammar. I am stating that your claim was irrelevant and illogical to the argument.

5) Obviously you are not aware, not everyone got away with cheating. If proper reporting took place with proper evidence the person would a receive a temporary or permanent ban. Also bungie had a very complex system to take cheaters out. Am I saying everyone received a ban? No...the amount of halo players that received halo bans or temp bans for cheating were enormous and the amount of halo players that got away with cheating were miniscule.

  • You Did Not Provide ANY Facts.
  • I Am Not Sure How You Make Logic Straight? Is Logic A Line? I Thought It Was A Term?
  • I never said it was designed to motivated competition so I do not know what you are insinuating this statement.
  • Stop trying so hard to make your text "fluffy" when it really does not have any supporting content to your argument.
  • You do not have accuracy by providing yourself rambling as supporting evidence.

TrueSkill benefits halo players of all skill type.


That stuff is only fun when you are immature and dont understand the term respectful

I am respectful to people with authority. Some little kid on xbox live does not have authority. The fact that you are telling me to be respectful in a competitive atmosphere and claiming it as immature to not be respectful is hilarious.

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Ugh, I'm done wasting time on this clown. I never thought I'd be so glad to be on the community-run forum though.


Tip for the future: Saying "I refuted that" or "you did not provide any facts" does not make either statement true.


You don't have an argument at all, you aren't serious about getting the visible Trueskill back or you WOULD get an argument instead of just wasting everyone's time having a conversation with yourself. Just as I gained nothing from the years of Halo discussions talking about Trueskill I gained nothing from this one, because just as before the fool on the other side had no clue or interest in getting one. Enjoy the futility.

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