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Do NOT put the True Skill System ONLY on Halo Waypoint!

Sean Connell

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Ugh, I'm done wasting time on this clown. I never thought I'd be so glad to be on the community-run forum though.


Tip for the future: Saying "I refuted that" or "you did not provide any facts" does not make either statement true.


You don't have an argument at all, you aren't serious about getting the visible Trueskill back or you WOULD get an argument instead of just wasting everyone's time having a conversation with yourself. Just as I gained nothing from the years of Halo discussions talking about Trueskill I gained nothing from this one, because just as before the fool on the other side had no clue or interest in getting one. Enjoy the futility.

  • I NEVER said it made either statement true.
  • It is like you do not read my posts.
  • We are arguing opinion here and I am just providing clarification in a mature, non-aggressive, organized manner. However, you wanted to begin an argument by stating that I have no idea what I am talking about.
  • Next time do not insult and simply state your point, be mature.
  • You try to talk down to me, I will talk down to you.

However, since you have not read through the other posts that I refuted I will plainly tell you my argument again and more clearly:

  1. Halo 4 Implementing the trueskill system in your game statistics under matchmaking would have no effect on boosting or cheating. People will boost or cheat no matter what. Cheating will exist for every and any game for as long as competitive video games exist, it is just in human nature for people to not follow the rules.
  2. By providing halo 4 with a trueskill players that do not care will continue to not care....but the players that care will love the true skill (SEE THE DIFFERENCE?)
  3. Okay there are more casual gamers than MLG gamers. But, what makes you think casual gamers will not enjoy the trueskill? Put the trueskill on player stats and maybe the "casual" gamers will be too casual to even observe their multiplayer gamecard statistics. There are halo players that have dedicated competitive gameplay since halo 1 and many of my MLG GameBattles peers enjoyed halo 3 the most because it provided a challenge. My friends claim, "Matchmaking is boring...it is not competitive enough. I never run into decent kids, even in the challenge slayer competition." You are going to say, "the true skill is still there it is just hidden," but I am simply saying why hide it?
  4. For those of you who argue..."who cares, it is just a rank, it is just a game, go get a job, your immature (or whatever claim you want to say)...these claims are just about you as a casual gamer. If you are one that does not care about achievements, does not care about statistics, and does not care about having any record of the games you play or you just want to pop the game in and let it run...then that is understandable.
  5. You have to think both sides here. A game company should provide satisfaction for everyone and should not lose loyal customers who are fed up with the direction the game is going.
  6. Why do people like trueskill? Well why do people like to eat worms on YouTube, why do people like to commit sick crimes? People like trueskill because they just do, there is not real answer. They like the level and feeling good that they have achieved a level based off of skill rather than a skill based off of "play time."
  7. In Halo 3 if you were a good player you would rise to the top of the true skill max rank quickly as long as you were good or you had a solid team.
  8. I rather played the game a little and represent that I am good rather than play the game a little and look like a noob.

So let us end bashing each other in the face with rudeness and get back to the thread. So. "THREAD" discuss your opinion. Maturely and not aggressively and ignorantly. Thank you.


Let me put this another way so you might understand... What exactly is the point of arguing for bragging rights on a visible digital number when that number doesnt make a bit of difference in life?


Do NOT talk to me like I am dumb. Do NOT talk down to me. Thank You

The point is not for bragging rights. The point is for simplicity sake. For example, I want to party up with someone. But, what if he is 10 skill levels below me and he just went -2 for his k/d ratio. I don't want to "assume" it was just a bad a game if he was 10 skill levels below me. 10 skill levels below me could be his true skill for a reason, and I would not want to party up with a 40 because the next game might be all 50s.



I treat everyone equal, you should try it sometime


Sorry I am not a democrat and I am not here to talk politics. I am here to talk about the serious issue of the incorrect insertion of TrueSkill by 343 industries. (Which still has the potential to change with the men and women or boys and girls on this forum).

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1) It matters because it existed before. To take away something numerous halo players once loved is ignorance.


2) So you are saying I represent "everything" that represents online gaming. That statement does not really make sense logically, but I represent an individual who enjoys statistical tracking. If I cannot find out how well I am doing and easily compare myself to others I cannot find out how good or bad the person is that I may potentially party up with. I am not going to stat check everyone's true skill on halowaypoint.com....


3) That is you that will not watch them, only you. You do not represent gaming as a whole. Highly competitive players enjoy tips from players who want to get better, players who want to become pro.





1) Okay well the amount of people who boost is miniscule. Think about it, if people are terrible at the game, why would they boost to a high skill of 50? They will play more difficult people in matchmaking and not play people in their range.


2) Okay well you just said it yourself, the post-carnage report shows how good someone is. Therefore the Trueskill will not negatively affect you personally as a halo 4 gamer. Generally level 50's are that level for a reason...if they do bad in carnage report results then they are obviously frauds...


1) Again, I do not see how I represent gaming as a whole...this just does not make sense logically.


2) However, if I did represent gaming as a whole and I was a disgrace...who cares, I sure do not care about "embarrassment" over a video game. I do not get your point?


3) The way you are typing sounds like you are twelve years old and depressed sir. However, statistics are something I take pride in because it represents my skill. Why play a game if you are bad at it? I have fun playing the game, I would like to see how highly my 18 year old and mature self achieves across the country of competitive gamers...



1) So you are justifying that I do not understand anything.

2) That was the most redundant post I have ever read.

3) I think I saw the word "understand" or comprehend about 7 different times in multiple forms without any supporting evidence.

4) I obviously understand logic and grammar, which are the most important aspects of life.

5) And I definitely understand how a skill system works and how boosters abuse the true skill system...however as I have said before...the amount of people who do this are miniscule.



1) Your statement does not make any sense. Halo 4 will not turn MLG. There is already a hidden true skill system embedded into the system....



1) How is a skill system an embarrassment to gaming as a whole? Think about these things you say before you type them....


I did think about what I said. Your comprehension of said item is irrelevant and an obvious factor in your argument for a visible true skill rank.


I'll break it down for you though. You play for recognition amongst kids instead of socially with friends or competitively amongst other gamers. In what way would pointing out a number next to your name benefit your ability to play the game? It wouldn't. It's pretentious and a bit chauvinistic to play like this. You make people making the same argument you're making look foolish. Even though they might have legitimate points.


It's like the Westboro Baptist Church. They claim to be Christians and parade around saying thank god for dead soldiers. That's just wrong no matter how you slice it. Are ALL Christians extremist ********* like them? The answer is no. So when you parade around making stupid claims claiming to belong to a group who believe in the same argument you just make everyone involved look foolish.


There in lies the problem and why you are an embarrassment.


I've given you details, descriptions, even a little analogy why you're embarassing and should just stop and quit talking. If you still fail to understand what people are saying to you try hitting literature and basic arithmetic again. It might serve your ability to process general information at the 5th grade level required to understand this superfluous dialogue.

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I did think about what I said. Your comprehension of said item is irrelevant and an obvious factor in your argument for a visible true skill rank.


I'll break it down for you though. You play for recognition amongst kids instead of socially with friends or competitively amongst other gamers. In what way would pointing out a number next to your name benefit your ability to play the game? It wouldn't. It's pretentious and a bit chauvinistic to play like this. You make people making the same argument you're making look foolish. Even though they might have legitimate points.


It's like the Westboro Baptist Church. They claim to be Christians and parade around saying thank god for dead soldiers. That's just wrong no matter how you slice it. Are ALL Christians extremist ********* like them? The answer is no. So when you parade around making stupid claims claiming to belong to a group who believe in the same argument you just make everyone involved look foolish.


There in lies the problem and why you are an embarrassment.


I've given you details, descriptions, even a little analogy why you're embarassing and should just stop and quit talking. If you still fail to understand what people are saying to you try hitting literature and basic arithmetic again. It might serve your ability to process general information at the 5th grade level required to understand this superfluous dialogue.

  1. We are NOT talking about "items" sorry it must be your 5th grade grammar. Honestly you cannot even try to make yourself sound intelligent, please stop...haha.
  2. Once you get into a college English class you will realize that using two unnecessary adjectives in one sentence only weakens your argument...lol. Especially adjectives that you looked up on a thesaurus that no one cares about to study.
  3. Why are you using thesaurus. Lol, the adjective chauvinistic is fanatically patriotic or of or relating to persons convinced of the superiority of their own gender or kind..... ​which clearly does not illustrate or relate to this conversation, this thread, or me.
  4. As far as making myself sound "important" I do not know why you are insinuating this because the way I talk and express is the NORM for me, especially when people talk down to me.
  5. You give analogies without "explicit" evidence. An analogy is not evidence, I hate to break it to you sir. You provided nothing. You are arguing on a thread that could easily provide a nice discussion. However, you began off of my mature argument (the thread) by insinuating that I was unintelligent and that I had no idea of what I was talking about. As I have told others, talk down to me and I will talk down to you. I am not showing off, I am not boasting about any type of skills, I am not trying to make myself look intelligent, etc. I am simply trying to make an argument. An argument that you are too delusional to comprehend.
  6. You are only making yourself look foolish by calling me unintelligent and also by failing the attempt to make me look dumb.

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Elitist is a good synonym I guess. And who's arguing? I was just pointing out how childish your opinions were. I'm not arguing anything. I KNOW you're ignorant. And no ammount of arguing in the world would prove anything else. You won't get it no matter how much I talk so do what you're best at. Keep talking. I made my point. If you're too dumb too understand then that's on you.


Oh and item was used in the context of topic but clearly your abundance of intellect missed that as well. Cheers!

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Sorry I am not a democrat and I am not here to talk politics. I am here to talk about the serious issue of the incorrect insertion of TrueSkill by 343 industries. (Which still has the potential to change with the men and women or boys and girls on this forum).


1. what does someones politcal preference have to do with treating people fairly


2. 343i doesnt care about your post, you ruined any crediblity by insulting people for there belifes

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Elitist is a good synonym I guess. And who's arguing? I was just pointing out how childish your opinions were. I'm not arguing anything. I KNOW you're ignorant. And no ammount of arguing in the world would prove anything else. You won't get it no matter how much I talk so do what you're best at. Keep talking. I made my point. If you're too dumb too understand then that's on you.


Oh and item was used in the context of topic but clearly your abundance of intellect missed that as well. Cheers!


The word "item" was improperly used in context, I pointed it out because you were talking down to me and made an error. Item is a vague word. Be specific when you convey arguments. Do I have to teach you english? I am not your teacher man....


1st Grade Lesson of the Day: When you refute what a person states it is what society calls an argument.

An argument is a connected series of statements or propositions, some of which are intended to provide support, justification or evidence for the truth of another statement or proposition. Arguments consist of one or more premises and a conclusion.


And by the way...you are contradicting your own actions. For example, you are stating that I am attempting to act better than others, but you sit there and go on a thesaurus website and talk down to me in the first place, which is the reason this argument took place. You are not even judging anything on the content of this thread, you are judging based off of your opinion towards me as a person.


Back to thread please...



Does it show a trueskill number on Waypoint now? I havent ever noticed it if it is.

No, sorry. It does not appear yet.



1. what does someones politcal preference have to do with treating people fairly


2. 343i doesnt care about your post, you ruined any crediblity by insulting people for there belifes


1) Does not even deserve a response....

2) Which is why I am switching forums

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The word "item" was improperly used in context, I pointed it out because you were talking down to me and made an error. Item is a vague word. Be specific when you convey arguments. Do I have to teach you english? I am not your teacher man....


1st Grade Lesson of the Day: When you refute what a person states it is what society calls an argument.

An argument is a connected series of statements or propositions, some of which are intended to provide support, justification or evidence for the truth of another statement or proposition. Arguments consist of one or more premises and a conclusion.


And by the way...you are contradicting your own actions. For example, you are stating that I am attempting to act better than others, but you sit there and go on a thesaurus website and talk down to me in the first place, which is the reason this argument took place. You are not even judging anything on the content of this thread, you are judging based off of your opinion towards me as a person.


Back to thread please...




No, sorry. It does not appear yet.




1) Does not even deserve a response....

2) Which is why I am switching forums


Hope you do. You didn't address me at all. Keep talking....

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couldn't really read all the comments and such ill just share what i think about the whole 50 system or truskill *i'm sure he means a visable ranking system like halo 3"


first off if your a casual gamer and you don't plan to play in these ranking playlist Please do not come in here downing the ranking system there is a reason why you casual players who like to have fun *no offense to any of yall. you guys play to have fun and just play* a ranking system doesn't affect yall because you all can go around dropping care packages and having rockets inceration cannon spawn next to you randomly. if there were thinking of removing social for rank i would come and support yall even if i didn't play it because i understand the game should be for everyone and not 1 type of gamers.


I do think in order for halo to survive we need somekind of visable ranking system the playlist are boring i have nothing to play for now i have to use a 3rd party website *gamebattles* to get good legit fights with Close to skill based fighting. i do not think in a 2 disc game for no reason should i have to close out of halo 4 after every game just to check did i rank up thats just silly and yet another stupid move by 343.


i mainly want a rank next to my name when i'm in a rank playlist so i know how good i am and are team to how good they are k/d doesn't show anything. Another thing this lame little oh boosters ruined the game ect what do you call going into regicide with 3 controllers and another friend boosting your k/d if anything thats worse because you are ranking up for special perks so you get the edge up on players playing fair Unlike a ranking system the number just shows skill.


i do agree the halo 3 ranking system was not perfect but it was amazing fun and gave me a reason to play i remenber being a badkid captain grade 3 and improving and finally getting my first 50. Halo ranking system also encourages Mics and communication anyone else notice the lack of mics when you play do you wanna play like that threw halo 4? i don't.


for people saying Oh i'm gonna go show off because i have a higher ranking Thats basicaly like putting your best looking picture on facebook as your profile you going to put a butt ugly picture of yourself? no your going to represent your best and show everyone.


i think we need it ingame somekind anyway a better system then halo 3 but it better be next to my name or i feel the game shall continue to decline as it has been.


It sucks halo has been my favorite franchise and it has turned into cod love. it break my heart.

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couldn't really read all the comments and such ill just share what i think about the whole 50 system or truskill *i'm sure he means a visable ranking system like halo 3"


first off if your a casual gamer and you don't plan to play in these ranking playlist Please do not come in here downing the ranking system there is a reason why you casual players who like to have fun *no offense to any of yall. you guys play to have fun and just play* a ranking system doesn't affect yall because you all can go around dropping care packages and having rockets inceration cannon spawn next to you randomly. if there were thinking of removing social for rank i would come and support yall even if i didn't play it because i understand the game should be for everyone and not 1 type of gamers.


I do think in order for halo to survive we need somekind of visable ranking system the playlist are boring i have nothing to play for now i have to use a 3rd party website *gamebattles* to get good legit fights with Close to skill based fighting. i do not think in a 2 disc game for no reason should i have to close out of halo 4 after every game just to check did i rank up thats just silly and yet another stupid move by 343.


i mainly want a rank next to my name when i'm in a rank playlist so i know how good i am and are team to how good they are k/d doesn't show anything. Another thing this lame little oh boosters ruined the game ect what do you call going into regicide with 3 controllers and another friend boosting your k/d if anything thats worse because you are ranking up for special perks so you get the edge up on players playing fair Unlike a ranking system the number just shows skill.


i do agree the halo 3 ranking system was not perfect but it was amazing fun and gave me a reason to play i remenber being a badkid captain grade 3 and improving and finally getting my first 50. Halo ranking system also encourages Mics and communication anyone else notice the lack of mics when you play do you wanna play like that threw halo 4? i don't.


for people saying Oh i'm gonna go show off because i have a higher ranking Thats basicaly like putting your best looking picture on facebook as your profile you going to put a butt ugly picture of yourself? no your going to represent your best and show everyone.


i think we need it ingame somekind anyway a better system then halo 3 but it better be next to my name or i feel the game shall continue to decline as it has been.


It sucks halo has been my favorite franchise and it has turned into cod love. it break my heart.


Definitely quit reading after like two paragraphs.


I agree. But OP wasn't for competitive or social. Just bragging rights. It's embarassing. And freaking annoying. Wasn't attacking MLG or any of that. So... Reason for your post?

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Definitely quit reading after like two paragraphs.


I agree. But OP wasn't for competitive or social. Just bragging rights. It's embarassing. And freaking annoying. Wasn't attacking MLG or any of that. So... Reason for your post?

that is just my 2 senses of a ranked matchmaking or visable ranking system. like i said i didn't mean mlg or any or that

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1) It matters because it existed before. To take away something numerous halo players once loved is ignorance.


2) So you are saying I represent "everything" that represents online gaming. That statement does not really make sense logically, but I represent an individual who enjoys statistical tracking. If I cannot find out how well I am doing and easily compare myself to others I cannot find out how good or bad the person is that I may potentially party up with. I am not going to stat check everyone's true skill on halowaypoint.com....


3) That is you that will not watch them, only you. You do not represent gaming as a whole. Highly competitive players enjoy tips from players who want to get better, players who want to become pro.


1. It's not gone, you just don't see it now. And just because something has previously been included doesn't automatically give it a pass to be included. Again, what's the problem with it being invisible if matchmaking remains unaffected?


2. Play a game with them. Play another if that's not enough. Stats are nice and all, but a number alone does NOT give you a good idea of someone's abilities.


3. And this is linked to a number beside a gamertag how? Anyone can ask anyone else for help or advice at any point.

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