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CountDown To Christmas.1)


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Every Day till Christmas you are gonna hear something that is funny to you.

I Call This Halo Fall Of Reach The Song(Day 1)





It was the night before, the Fall of Reach

Not a creature was stirring, not even The Chief

The Civilians just shopped, they didn't care

Hoping that the Covenant would never be there


The Chief was nestled all snug in his chamber

While dreaming of tea bagging a bunch of elite Rangers

And Halsey in her lab was wishing for Spartan 3's

Could see the coming of Winter Con-tin-gency


When out in the field, there arose such an explosion

"My sensor, my sensor! It detects a lot of motion"

Pull out my pistol and pull the trigger in a flash

To mow down a line grunts screaming as they dashed


The sun on the breast of an evergreen field

Horror and death, is all this would yield

Wow, what to my wondering eyes should appear

A Covie drop ship, the length of a light year


A Pelican approached, so lively and quick

I knew in a moment, it must be Noble 6

More rapid than Moa, his squad members came

And over the com he screamed and he shouted and called them by name


"Now Jun, and Emile, and Carter and Kat"

Jorge came with his turret, shortly after that

"To the end of the field, to the top of the hill!"

"Stop em in their tracks Spartans" - They were born to kill


As dry leaves that before were only covered in mud

Were now soaked in a thicker Covie Blue blood

So up to the hill top, the Pelican flew

With all of Noble, and number 6 too


And then, in a moment, I heard over the Com

"They are everywhere! and they are dropping bombs!"

I threw on my helmet and was turning around

Down came the Pelican, with Noble Team a bound


They were all dressed in metal, from head to their feet

Their acquaintance, No covie ******* wished to meet

Their armor grand, amazing, customized and unreal

I had to ask "What rank do you get that helm Emile?"


Then a Warthog, dropped in for us out of the sky

I was going to be Noble 7, I could see it in their eyes

Kat threw up her arms and proclaimed, "I'll Drive"

"No!", said the rest of Noble, "we wish to stay alive"


I tightly gripped the wheel, made me feel alive

I ramped over a hill, and made that pig fly

Rockets from the Hog screamed over my head

Killionaire OH MY!, that was 10 covies dead!


A Grunt was chubby and plump, a right jolly ol elf

More horrifying than I imagined, I thought, in spite of myself

In the blink of an eye and twist of his head

Noble 6 assassinated him, he was real dead


6 spoke not a word, but went straight to his job

He filled up on ammo, grenades and scooped up a Fuel Rod

And pointing his finger straight at the pillar of autumn

I knew what he meant, I understood, I got em


He sprang off his 'Goose, to his team he gave a whistle

No one had responded, they all went tragically missin'

In the distance, I heard 6 scream, "For Reach, For Human beings"

Reach was gone, but this was only the beginning.


Credit goes to BigRob757 on Bungie.net for this amazing poem.




Have a Holly Jolly Christmas 343. (Day 1)
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