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Syko's Game Reviews


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So i thought to myself....maybe i should create some Game Reviews.....i DO love games, and i suppose im good at telling a game for what it is......sooo........HERE WE ARE!!!!


My first ever game Review




This game is one that didn't get the attention it deserved.......




Far Cry 3 Does an excellent job at thrusting the player into an unknown environment and making them think about every move they make.

Whether they run in Guns blazing or sneak around knifing everyone, it gives players masive amounts of choices...including starting fires to draw enemies away.


This sort of control lets players feel.....powerful, but the Main Character Jason Brody, is FAR from powerful....at the beginning.

But as you level up and get more "tattoos" you will become much more acquainted with destruction and all her faculty's.


The weapons are beautifully designed and feel great in your hands as your taking out large groups of Bandits who are constantly trying to take your life.


The voice acting is superb especially with the character Vas, one of the most "colourful" characters in the game. Every time he speaks it fills you with the same emotions as Jason would be going through and it feels amazing.



The Environments are stunning and really give you a sense of beauty within danger as you trudge through creeks and find yourself running through lush jungle to reach your next objective.

Another great way of travel is the driving....I lost myself for like an hour just driving...... it feels so good and probably one of the best Driving mechanics in any game i have played so far.


Now while i have said many GOOD things about it, i also must say that the pacing will feel slow for some who just focus on the main quest as it involves lots of travelling... unless you use the fast travel feature...but even then, pacing will get a little dry at some points.


The story is great by my perspective but can get a little over the top with hallucinations and such.




So with that out of the way, i gladly give this a 8/10


So stay tuned for more Reviews by your Pal Syko fellow 343iCF members ,as im sure to make more


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