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The ""Official"" Firefight thread


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Hey guys, So im seeing all the great firefight ideas around the forums but their all in separate topics and hard to find. So I thought I'd make a topic for us to put all our ideas into it.

Here's one of my ideas:


Elites Vs UNSC- - instead of playing as a spartan or odst fighting the covenant, play as the elites, fighting the unsc.


What are your ideas??? POST AWAY!

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Hey guys, So im seeing all the great firefight ideas around the forums but their all in separate topics and hard to find. So I thought I'd make a topic for us to put all our ideas into it.

Here's one of my ideas:


Elites Vs UNSC- - instead of playing as a spartan or odst fighting the covenant, play as the elites, fighting the unsc.


What are your ideas??? POST AWAY!

That would be stealing from GoW, because they have. Locust vs Humans in Beast Mode. Which is where you kill a bunch of humans.



The only change would be the difficulty in Firefight, because Human weapons are ironically more powerful than Covenant Weapons during gameplay.

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That would be stealing from GoW, because they have. Locust vs Humans in Beast Mode. Which is where you kill a bunch of humans.



The only change would be the difficulty in Firefight, because Human weapons are ironically more powerful than Covenant Weapons during gameplay.


You do know that every single survival mode in any game is based on gears of wars horde mode right?

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Here is a thought though. Massive Firefight.


What if you and say up to 12 of your buddies wanted to get on and play a massive firefight on a really large map like the size pf the canyon area of forge world, or the U shaped snow levels of halo 2 and 3. The idea is that hundreds of AI spawn all over the map? You have to work as a team to survive because of the massive numbers of AI attacking you.


Maybe you have to hunt them down forcing you to split up into smaller groups.


Maybe you are hunkered down in a base at the center of the map and have to fight off the waves of enemies that come. You have to protect the base so they don't destroy it.


Make it just like firefight with ability to adjust game settings for weapons, shields, skulls and the like.

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