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Master Chief Helmet

Halo Pony

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I didn't even know that the MC armor was unlocked by finishing legendary. That was just the first thing I did with my dudes, it took us 5 hours 6 minutes to finish it.


It wasn't that hard, I did it over a couple of days by myself. The hardest part I found was the last level on that bridge with infinite enemies... It took me forever to make it past that part.

Lol you can run right through all of the areas on the final level. It took me like 20 min on solo legendary. Died a few times though, a little trial and error. .... Alright so I died like 7 times.


Hardest part for me was on Infinity when I had to hold out until Cortana cracked the door. All marines died and I had zero support on legendary.

This is 100% the part I had the most trouble on playing Solo Legendary! I died like 8 times, just COULD NOT survive! Then one time I ran into the BIG tree root around the right side when I spawned and just played it slow.
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I havent had the time to play campaign through on Legendary yet :(


Beat it 5 days after release solo on legendary. I'm not bragging but... Wait yes I am! Solo legendary was hard as HELL!!! Lol. But that's how I play all my games. Until I get to the point of throwing controllers to a more convenient location. Lol.


I wish I had known then what I know now... Knights are NOT bullet sponges and should be shot with a charged plasma pistol first. The pistol is just as effective as the DMR. Needs of ammo often dictate which precision weapon I carry. Often it was a carbine. Headshot is a headshot.


I loved every breathtaking mind numbing minute of campaign. Even infinity. After I breached that door I thought it was over. It was far from over. Very memorable and very fun. Might have to solo it again with some skulls on to relive those epic moments. Sorry it's off subject. Just thought I'd share my experience. Beating it legendary with a friend was fun too but not as much as by myself.

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Getting the armor wasn't to difficult. Beating it on Solo wasn't to hard. Only took me as long as it did cause I got frustrated at times and just ran out guns blazing lol Hardest part was having to kill multiple Knights. Their shields are hard to take down and then losing your shield instantly making you find cover for their shield to come back as well making the whole process take forever.

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