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Ryu's Quotes #1


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Welcome to my new thread series/idea. I will think up a quote all by myself. No references, etc. Your role is to enjoy it. They will mostly be related to the forum. Oh, and you can also try to find a famous quote that matches up with mine. There isn't really a reward or anything but I'll recognize you in my sig until the next quote is made. Promise! I'll only do them so often. So, yeah.


Without further paragraphs, enjoy.


"One can wish for the 'good old times', but one should never relive their past only to forsake their future."


So uh...have at it.

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"The world needs to change, without change, things will not get better, without change people wont get better, without change we would still be back in the stone age, change is good, and people need to realise this. Once they do we can pull ourselves out of this pit we have dug ourselves and REALLY start solving the worlds issues"

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"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself."


Mark Twain




"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.


Milton Friedman

I can see where those actually match up. Congratz, Sweamy. XD


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