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Off Topic? I was HAMMERED last night.


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Played some Halo 4 with some friends last night from the forums. Learned several things.


1. Halo IS more fun when you're drunk.


2. Don't plan on doing better than 5/20.


3. I was holding that damn ball LIKE A BOSS though...


4. My wife doesn't understand manly trash talk. The drunker I was the more inane the babbling became.


5. Final Sentence can beast at some Halo 4. And he's pretty fun to game with.


6. Boltshot beats EVERYTHING. I'm not mad. But I might have to rethink strategies.


7. Don't remember most of what happened except that I started being a dewsh around 130 am.


Whew... End rant. Lol.


Overall it was a pretty good time. But... This headache man... Whew. That is all.

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